The Meat of The Word Made Digestible and Applicable

My inspiring book “Developing a Secret History with God” reveals truth regarding an intimate relationship with Christ. Now we have an accompanying Study Guide that will help apply these truths to our lives by learning to:
Overcome the struggles that rob us of intimacy with God
Remove the mystery of hearing God
Develop a listening ear
Maintain our spiritual root structure.
Now after a sabbatical from traveling due to serious health issues I am fully restored by a miraculous touch from our Almighty God, and willing and ready to travel again to inspire others with my testimony and encourage believers to invest this intimate time alone with God where He will mature us, change our hearts, transform our thinking and mold us to His image. I am now taking engagements for the upcoming year and I am able and willing to travel near or far to small or large gatherings.
Contact me

My sheep hear My voice

We are promised “My sheep hear My voice…” Yet many wonder why they do not hear His Voice. This study guide will inspire and encourage you to apply the book “Developing a Secret History with God” to your personal devotional time by:
* Learning to hear and recognize His voice above all other voices out there?
* Unveiling excuses we use to justify neglecting this quiet quality time alone with God?
* Bringing us to the place of WANTING TO rather than HAVING TO spend time with God?
Book and Study Guide available on Amazon/ Barnes&Noble/ Lulu/ itunes/ Kindle/ Nook/http Rhema Publication or a bookstore near you. Languages: English/ French


Thinking of family especially at the Christmas season!

The holidays are a time of reminiscing and thinking of family and time past. A photo from the past with several of my younger brothers and sisters brings back many memories. Charleen, Terry, Tommy and Robert in front row. Back row is Billy and myself holding the baby my brother Ian. Don’t know where Drew was at time of the photo. Paul, Heather and Lucinda were yet to be born. Hope the family will add this old tattered and torn one to their family album.

Where Is Your Joy After The Celebrations?

Today’s Food for Thought:

The Christmas spirit that goes out with the dried-up Christmas tree is just as worthless.

Who are the Shepherds in the Christmas Story?