Beware of Spiritual Suckers


As I prepare to put my roses “to bed” for the coming winter by covering the root to protect it from freezing temperatures and pruning them back, it is also a time to examine the rose for suckers that must be yanked off least they drain the plant of its strength and nutrients. If not taking care of they will be doubled in number when the rose resurrects in the spring. What a vivid picture of suckers that our spiritual root structure may develop subtly if we don’t take time to examine our lives in the light of the Word and in His presence. My heart returned to a word of warning that my heavenly Papa inspired in my spirit in my intimate time with Him.

Dear Child,

They that wait upon Me and serve Me are renewed,  for while they are serving Me in the Holy Place they are dwelling under the shadow of My wings and the cloud of My presence! They shall be refreshed by the rain from heaven, that while rooted on earth something of heaven will blossom in their lives.

Spiritual seeds can only be watered in My presence, the water from the sweat of the flesh cannot produce life,  flesh can only begat flesh!

Spiritual roots can only be watered by the Holy Spirit otherwise the roots will develop * suckers, that will zap the true life , and the flower will only be a weaker, smaller version of the real thing and it will not produce fruit that is everlasting!

Do not try to water and refresh spiritual roots with the approval of man least the *sucker of pride drains the life of the roots.

Do not try to water and refresh spiritual roots by the sweat of the flesh and manipulation least the *sucker of “burn out” drains the life of the roots.

Walk humbly before Me and let your spiritual roots be watered from heaven!

The life is in the deep hidden roots! In due season those roots will produce an abundant harvest. After years of pruning the harvest will be abundant. The first appearance of blossom in the spring is only a small taste of the harvest to follow.

                                                                   Thus saith Papa

Isa 40:31  But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

A sucker is a side shoot from the roots that does not bloom or grow on the true stem from the bud union of the plant. It grows independent of the true stem but its flowers are a mere imitation of the real flower, much smaller with no fragrance. A sucker will drain the strength and nutrients from the true plant and weaken its production, thereby making it more susceptible to disease.

Challenge: What sucker is draining your spiritual root structure?

Read more about spiritual suckers on Page 34 and Pages 196-197 in my book “Developing a Secret History with God”.

Available from Amazon/ Barnes&Noble/ Kindle/ Nook/ Ibooks or your local bookstore.

 Living Stones

Luke 19:40 And He answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out. 

May this stone remind you that you are not a cold stone without a heart. You are a living breathing stone. 1 Peter 2:5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

Every stone is so unique in shape, size and color. Formed in various ways by the environment, habitat and weather. May this stone remind you that you are also so unique shaped by your life experiences and trials and victories. I wonder about the stories that  this stone could tell if only it had breath to speak. You also have a story but you also have breath to tell yours and proclaim His work in your life.

May this stone remind you to invest that breath which He has given you to cry out His praises lest this cold piece of stone cry out instead of you. Psalm 150:6 Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord!

Baptism of the Holy Spirit


The Legacy Of A Godly Mother

I want to encourage mothers to journal their time with God asking the Lord for “your daily bread.” After attentively waiting on Him in silence, pick up your pen and start writing in faith the precious words He is speaking to you. You will, in fact, be recording your spiritual history and walk with God. 

What a legacy to leave your children! We all keep albums of photos to record our biological history, so why not keep a record of our spiritual history. Our journals will be a silent witness of our footprints of faith that will challenge and deepen the spiritual journey of those who follows us. 

Dear Child,
As you write these words you are making inerasable footprints for others to follow, to show them the way to where I have taken you, that where I am you may also be, followed by your children and those whose lives you have touched. 

These footprints will be a legacy of gold tried by fire, the legacy of your faith walk with Me daily. These will be bearing fruit even after you are with Me.
Thus saith Papa. 

You will in fact be saying what Paul said to the church at Corinth.

Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). 

Excerpt from my book “Developing a Secret History with God” 


The Feast of Pentecost



We can learn so much of the depth of God’s plan of salvation as we journey back to these feasts celebrated by the nation of Israel. This weekend the church remembers its birthday as we observe Pentecost. Many of us do not realize the significance of this Jewish feast.

It was to be celebrated 50 days after the feast of First Fruits which followed Passover. We know that Jesus became our perfect Passover Lamb and was sacrificed for us on the Jewish Passover. Three days later was the glorious resurrection of our Lord on the Feast of First Fruits, for He was the first fruit of them that slept. Now how awesome is that for God’s planning and detail?

The following feast was 50 days later, 10 days after His Ascension, known to us as Pentecost. Travel with me for a few moments back in time to Mount Sinai. Rabbinic scholars believe that it was on this day that God visited His people after their exodus from Egypt after the first Passover and through Moses, brought the Law down from Mount Sinai. This earthshaking day of visitation, trembling, and betrothal was the first Pentecost 50 days after the Passover in Egypt and became  THE BIRTHDAY OF THE  NATION OF ISREAL. Moses brings down the Torah or Law for the nation. Because of sin 3,000 die under the Law. The Old Covenant was a national covenant between God and His covenant people. And so the nation of Israel was established. They commit to follow Him in devotion and obedience.

The fulfillment of this Feast of Pentecost witnesses God visiting His people this time by His Holy Spirit. This is another earthshaking day of visitation and betrothal. But on this occasion God’s Presence is not as unapproachable as on the former visitation back at Sinai. Moses had ordered 12 boundary markers placed around the foot of the mountain to hold back the people lest the fire of God flash out upon them. Amidst the thundering and lightning God came down as a consuming fire and blackened the entire summit. Only Moses could stand in God’s Presence. But this next Pentecostal visitation was quite different. Tongues of fire descended from heaven to rest upon consecrated individuals gathered to wait upon God. All of them had received Messiah and had come to know Him in a personal way in the New Covenant. And so just as Moses had seen the burning bush that was not consumed, the fire that came down and rested upon the 120 in the upper room, was not to consume them but to fill them with the Holy Spirit and with power. This was the beginning of the Holy Spirit outpouring. And Joel saw this coming to a peak at the 6th seal at the very end of the latter days. See Joel 2:28-32. Whereas 3,000 had died under the Law on the previous visitation 3,000 are now saved by Grace as the Apostle Peter preaches to the crowds. And so on this awesome day in holy history, the 7th day of Sivan on the Hebrew calendar, the Feast of Pentecost comes to its appointed New Covenant fulfillment. The Feast of Pentecost, the fourth of the Seven Feasts of Israel is taken up to the next level. It becomes THE BIRTHDAY OF THE CHURCH.

CHALLENGE: God is asking you through the words of the apostle Paul “Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed” Acts 19:2

You may be like the believers in Ephesus in Acts 19 who answer Paul “We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.” Be watching my video “The Baptism of the Holy Spirit” to answer questions and inspire you to seek your own Pentecost.