Honoring Our Vows

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Reflecting this anniversary weekend on the vows we made before God and signed before the clergy back in 1964.

A time where we were asked if we will live together in the covenant of marriage? Will we love each other, comfort each other, honor and keep each other, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful to each other as long as we both shall live?

Vows to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God’s holy law, and this is my solemn vow.

It is easy to keep these vows when it is the better, richer or in health but when the worst, the poorer or sickness come, so often we are tempted and many actually do walk away breaking our covenant to each other and God.

We are all aware that we are living in the midst of spiritual warfare and our marriages are on the frontline of that battle today. For if the enemy can defeat our marriages he has got an influence over our children, the strength of the local church (for churches are only as strong as the families in that church), the moral fiber of our society and last but not least, weakening the witness that our marriages should be to the mystical union twixt Christ and His Bride, the church.

CHALLENGE: In those adverse times His grace is available to help us keep those vows for the sake of our word to God, our relationship to each other and our children.

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