To Every Tongue and Nation


While in Russia last year I shared the message from my book “Developing a Secret History with God” with Albert and Marian Baranov. Albert writes to me today:
Dear Margaret!
I have started read your book and I was captured with the narrative. I don’t know why, but I felt wet climate of Scotland, burning Belfast and carefree atmosphere of hippie. I have got your sincerity and I have felt a wisdom from the Lord. God gave to you part of His wisdom and we could receive it from her book. I really would like to try to translate it!
Dear Albert,
I would be honored to share the message of my book with the Russian people. May God bless your endeavor. Walk with the King and be a blessing! Maggie

Revelation 14:6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.


This Book and accompanying Study Guide will revolutionize your quiet time with God. Available now at Amazon/ Barnes & Noble/ Walmart/Kindle Nook / Ibooks/ Lulu/ Rhema Publications/ Cl France or a bookstore near you.

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God Moves in Mysterious Ways To Remind Us To Pray

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While in Russia I prayed for and made friends with Tatyana. She reminded me of someone I knew and when I was in Macys today I realized it was Sharon, my favorite shopping assistant. When I showed Sharon the photo of Tatyana she exclaimed “Wow! She could be my daughter!” Maybe a relative somewhere in the family line as Sharon’s family was originally from Poland. So, Tatyana, you may be far away in Novocheboksarsk Russia, but when I am at the Lehigh Valley Mall in Allentown Pennsylvania and see Sharon I will remember to pray and think of you.  It really is a small world!

2 Timothy 1:3 Without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers.

Having Food and Raiment Let Us Be Content. 1Timothy 6:8

Having just returned from a mission trip to Russia where people have so much less than we do in the USA I realize even more how many Americans express dissatisfaction with life, despite the fact that we have more of the world’s good things than any other country. The richest country in the world is inhabited by the highest percentage of depressed and unhappy people.
The human emotional apparatus is constructed so as to disregard that which is taken for granted. The best immune system booster is a shot of super joy. Our emotions are related to the functioning of our immune system.
A modern day psychology book, The Law of Life, states “We are not made happy by what we acquire but by what we appreciate.” A survey in the book revealed that we usually take for granted 80% of the blessings in our lives, therefore we are only 20% as happy as we could be! Consequently the degree to which we are thankful determines our happiness; the degree to which we rejoice in the Lord determines our spiritual strength.
Page 145 “Developing a Secret History with God”
Book available on Amazon/ Barnes&Noble/ Walmart/Lulu/ itunes/ Kindle/ Nook/http W.H. Smith UK/or a bookstore near you.
Languages: English/ French
Developing a Secret History with God's photo.

United We Stand


Before boarding our flight to Moscow from Kazan airport we toured Victory Park in down town Kazan. A large one hundred and twenty-four acre memorial park with planes and tanks from World War 2 to honor the twenty million Russians who lost their lives fighting with the allied forces. Since I have served in the Royal Air Force I had to stop to have a photo by one of the planes with Pastor Stan from Arizona and Pastor Stan from Russia.

Here we are again allied this time under the Captain of our souls fighting the good fight of faith!

John 17 2 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us:that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

2 Timothy 2:3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life

The Widow’s Mite


While ministering in Russia last week I was overwhelmed by the pure love and sacrificial generosity of the people. I was given several boxes of Russian chocolates, handmade jewelry and flowers grown in their small garden plots given to them by the government to grow their own vegetables. But the memory that will stay with me was that of a very old woman staggering up to me and saying in her broken English “For you, for you” and handing me a still warm smoked chicken wrapped only in clear plastic before disappearing anonymously into the crowd.

I was so touched by her sacrificial gift and at the same time overjoyed that God would use this as a clear window to my soul of the widow’s mite as I shared the story with my fellow pastors. We fed on the chicken that night after the service but are still spiritually feeding on her example. 

Mark 12:43 This poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.