Uncovering An Awesome Truth of Prophecy


Standing on the Mount of Olives today overlooking the Old City wall I am amazed to gaze upon the Eastern gate which is currently blocked according to prophecy. I was determined to dig further for the why and when the gate was blocked.

When Christ returns His feet will touch down on the Mount of Olives, on the very place from which He ascended, and thus fulfill a prophecy made almost 2,000 years by two angels on the Mount of Olives: He will enter Jerusalem through this exact Eastern Gate I am actually looking at! In so doing, He will fulfill not only the prophecy of these two angels, but innumerable prophecies recorded by God’s prophets.

The fact that the Lord Jesus Christ will once again walk through that Eastern Gate is confirmed in

Ezekiel 44:1-2

Then the man brought me back to the east gateway in the outer wall of the Temple area, but it was closed. And the Lord said to me, This gate must remain closed; it will never again be opened. No one will ever open it and pass through, for the Lord, the God of Israel, has entered here. Therefore, it must always remain shut”

Not only does this passage confirm certain details of the Lord’s Glorious Appearing, but it offers substantial evidence to the unbeliever that the Bible is the Word of God.

Why? Because Ezekiel 44 demonstrates the astounding accuracy of Bible prophecy, providing evidence that can be verified firsthand by anyone who doubts.

Over 2,600 years ago, the Lord declared the Eastern Gate would be shut and would remain closed until the Messiah arrived to open it. For hundreds of years, the Eastern Gate had offered convenient, unfettered access to the Temple courtyard. Yet, for almost five hundred years now, it’s been closed. I believe it could be in this generation, the Messiah will open it.

The Eastern Gate is one of eight gates built into the walls which surround the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Eastern Gate provides the only entrance from the East, and it faces the Mount of Olives.


The Eastern Gate was destroyed during the Roman conquest of Jerusalem, and the subsequent destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70, thus fulfilling Christ’s prophecy that “not one stone will be left on top of another” Matthew 24:2. Prior to this, the Eastern Gate had never been sealed.

Sometime in the sixth century, the Byzantines rebuilt that Eastern Gate. However, for our purposes, what happened after it was rebuilt is of much greater importance. In the year 1541, the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I sealed the Eastern Gate learning of the prophecies which predicted the Messiah’s entrance through the Eastern Gate. The Sultan tried his best to make sure that wouldn’t happen during his reign. And just in case a sealed entrance didn’t thwart the Messiah’s coming, the Muslim Sultan built a cemetery directly in front of the gate – conventional wisdom being that a Jewish Holy man would never defile himself by walking through a Muslim cemetery. That cemetery still remains to this very day right in front of the closed Eastern gate.

It’s been over 475 years since Sultan Suleiman sealed the Eastern Gate, and despite numerous well-documented attempts to open it, the gate has remained sealed just as the Lord proclaimed to Ezekiel over 2,600 years ago.

The fact that the Eastern Gate remains closed to this day is God’s testimony to doubters throughout the world. How amazing is that!


The Lost Meaning of Halloween

It was originally a date on the Celtic calendar, a pagan celebration named Samhain, to honor their ancestors and to recognize the change of the season to the dark days of winter. After the spread of Christianity the church renamed it an All Hallows Eve to reflect on the saints who went before us in preparation to celebrate All Saints day on November 1. The name Halloween is a 16th century Scottish variant of the fuller All Hallows Eve i.e. the night before All Saints Day.
This Halloween truly make it a “Hallowed” evening by reflecting on all those saints especially those who laid down their lives and made the ultimate sacrifice that we may have the faith we have today. I personally reflect on the saints who invested their lives to translate the Word of God during the time of the Reformation, many of whom were burned at the stake, that we may have the blessing today to personally read and understand the Bible. Yet so often days even weeks can go by before we pick it up to read and meditate on it, not regarding the martyred lives and sacrifice it cost to translate it from the Greek and Hebrew.
Then on November 1, which was set aside by the early church in 835AD as All Saints Day, we can truly celebrate in our hearts by praising God for the foundation we have inherited from all those who have walked the faith before us leaving us footprints to follow.
See page 210 of my book “Developing a Secret History with God” which emphasis being thankful for our historical spiritual roots and the foundation of faith we have inherited with the Lord Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone. Walk with the King and be a blessing adding your block to the temple He is building for future generations to follow.
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The Danger of Our Thoughts

You cannot stop a bird from flying over your head BUT you can prevent it from making a nest in your hair!
Refuse to let evil thoughts find a resting place in you!

2 Corinthians10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ

What Is Obstructing His Life Flowing From Your Life?


If the fountain of life within the believer ceases to flow the problem is not due to the inlet; it is the outlet which has become obstructed.©MJB

John 7:37-38 If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Going the Extra Mile


Going that extra mile on the elliptical at my cardiac rehab today challenged me to keep a promise to myself and gave me confidence in my own integrity. It challenged me to go beyond my comfort zone. My personal trainer had asked 20 minutes of me but I had promised myself during the week to go the extra mile by 10 minutes every day until today when I did 40 minutes.
It has aided me in the mastery of the destructive habit of procrastination. It has developed definiteness of purpose, insuring me against the common habit of aimlessness. It wasn’t just to strengthen my muscles but it gave me more self-reliance, greater initiative, more enthusiasm, more vision and definiteness of purpose.It is leading to mental growth as well as to physical skill.

What a thought that came originally from the greatest personal Trainer of all in Matthew 5:41
“And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.”