A heart of integrity


Dear Child,

A heart of integrity will lead you to a life of righteousness. Let your ‘nay’ be ‘nay’ and your ‘yea’ be ‘yea’. Do not be doubled minded.

A heart of integrity will lead you to trust yourself and you will have peace within.

A heart of integrity will not act in haste because you know your heart will hold you accountable.

A heart of integrity will have a conscience clear before God and man, and will thus hear My voice clearly.

                                                        Thus saith Papa

Proverbs 11:3 The integrity of the upright shall guide them:

Psalm 15:1- 4 A psalm of David. LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman, who despises a vile man but honors those who fear the LORD, WHO KEEPS HIS OATH EVEN WHEN IT HURTS.

Whatever the nature of the contract, when the word of a Christian has been given, the promise must be honored. Because God keeps His word we have salvation; He is true to His pledge. The Gibeonites craftily deceived Joshua, and he made peace with them before discovering their plot (Joshua 9:19). Nevertheless, God insisted that the terms of the covenant be honored, and generations later withheld rain because King Saul went back on that undertaking. God will not permit us to carelessly destroy a covenant. He who insisted that Joshua should spare the Gideonites, and later that King David should avenge the wrong done to them, expects us to be true to our word, even if it be to our own disadvantage

Integrity means “a quality or state of being complete or undivided”

When our lips say “yes” in haste, yet our hearts are saying “no” we have become a divided person! To have a heart of integrity we must say what we mean and mean what we say!

Challenge: Always count the cost before making any promise, because God will hold us accountable to keep our word whether it was made wisely or unwisely, whether it will be to our advantage or disadvantage. 

Will Your Life Glorify Him Today?


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Dear Child,

Shine! Shine! That I may be glorified on earth as I am in heaven. May your love for Me be your motivation to obey Me and thus honor Me in your life, body, soul and spirit.

You honor Me when you reverence My word,

You reverence My word when you are obedient,

When you obey My word your light will shine,

When your light shines I am glorified.

                                                                 Thus saith Papa

This Week’s Food for Thought:

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“God is more interested in what you are BECOMING more than what you are DOING” Excerpt from DEVELOPING A SECRET HISTORY WITH GOD page 10



You Are A Unique Creation Of Almighty God!

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As the mother of identical twin daughters I am amazed that even they, although created identical as you can see from the photo, have different finger prints. You are so rare and precious in His sight you are the only one like you that He made. Your finger prints are the Artist’s stamp and signature to prove that you are the only one. When only one of a work of art is created it makes it so much more special and valuable. You are a limited edition of only one of you!

Psalm 139:13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:

His Presence 

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My presence is not found in a place but rather My presence is displayed in an attitude of love that flows from the throne room of the heart