Chances are One In One Hundred Trillion !!!

Since prophetic shadows and types of the life, sacrificial death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus were written over the lengthy span of ten centuries, most of the thirty-nine writers did not personally know one another, nor live in the same eras yet they all still wrote a prophetic story that has complete harmony and fulfillment at Mount Calvary. The chance of any one man’s fulfilling all of the 48 Messianic prophecies is one in ten to the 157th power.

By using the modern science of probability in reference to just eight of these prophecies concerning our celebration at Easter the chance that any one man might have lived to fulfill all eight prophecies is one in 100 trillion!

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We can’t even comprehend that number! But this is a visual for you to help understand how HUGE that number is. Imagine covering the entire state of Texas two feet deep with silver dollars. On 1 of those silver dollars, you place an ‘X’. Then, you blindfold someone, spin them around for awhile, and let them loose in the state of Texas and tell them to pick 1 coin. The odds that the individual will pick the coin with the ‘X’ is 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000!!! And remember, that’s the probability of Jesus fulfilling only 8 of the prophecies concerning His death and resurrection. Would that have been possible had He not been the Son of God?

CHALLENGE:As the story of Easter unfolds to us through the eyes of fulfilled prophecies surely we must all declare as the Roman centurion declared at the foot of the cross” Truly this was the Son of God” Matthew 27:34

Please share this with your seeking friends that their eyes may be open and others that their faith may be strengthened.

For further study during your Easter devotion time I Invite you to watch my short video on the fulfillment of the many prophetic types of Our Passover Lamb.

The Story of St. Patrick



Since I was born in Aberdeen, Scotland and raised in Belfast, Northern Ireland, I had a personal interest to dig out some of the truths surrounding the man who brought the gospel to Ireland. The real Patrick has almost been lost under an avalanche of myth, legend and folklore.

Did you know that Patrick was not an Irishman?

His parents were Britons and Patrick was born near Dumbarton on the river Clyde in Scotland.

Did you know that he is not even a Saint?

At least not in the technical sense of the Roman Catholic Church, because he was never officially canonized. According to the encyclopedia Patrick “ passes as a saint merely by popular approval”.

Did you know that Patrick is claimed by Catholics and Protestants?

All we can say, whatever his affiliation, he was an evangelical preacher. Patrick is often said to be a man of One Book! He never appeals to the authority of any creed, ecclesiastical leader or council, but in his writings, few as they are, he quotes from 113 scriptures. It has been commented that from his constant emphasis on the Bible, that Patrick sounded like a 5th century Billy Graham, “ The Bible says, the Bible says.”

Did you know that Patrick ranks with the greatest missionaries that ever lived?

Perhaps second only to Paul of Tarsus (Raymond Edmoan, Moody Monthly magazine)

Did you know why the shamrock is so important to the Irish?

Patrick plucked a shamrock from where it was growing in abundance on the Irish mountainside, and used it as a lesson to teach his converts the mystery of the trinity.

From his early confession we learn that, at the age of sixteen, he was captured by a band of Irish pirates, who sold him as a slave to a Druid chieftain in Northern Ireland. Until his captivity Patrick had no real experience of God or salvation even though he had been raised in a Christian home, where his grandfather was a minister of the gospel. Here are his own words, “I was sixteen and knew not the true God, but in a strange land the Lord opened my unbelieving eyes and I was converted.” He realized that God in His mercy had allowed his captivity to take place so as to lead him to a new and better life. With the sufferings of exile had come the understanding of salvation. Finally after six years he escaped and returned to his family in Scotland. Something wonderful had happened to Patrick, he did not hate the Irish, but instead he had love for them.

He had seen the Druids in Ireland controlling the people, encouraging them to worship sacred trees, stones and even the sun itself. The Lord spoke to Patrick in a dream in which he heard, “ The voice of the Irish…We beg you, Holy boy, come and walk among us again.” He began to prepare to return to Ireland even though his family tried to persuade him not to.

In the year 432, Patrick returned to Ireland again, as a result of his obedience to the voice of God. From the 5th. to the 8th. century thousands had turned to Christ. Ireland became one of the great centers of Christianity in the world, not only of Christian holiness and virtue, but also of education because of monasteries all over the country. Thus Ireland has been named, “ The Land of Saints and Scholars”.

The heathen Druid chieftain, whom he was sold to, became his first convert. His name was Dichu, and he offered Patrick, the pick of his land for the site of Patrick’s first church, situated high on the mountains of County Down, from where Patrick could see much of Ireland spread out before him. It was from here that Patrick carried out the great commission for the next thirty years of his life, where the influence of his ministry expanded to the mainland of Scotland, England and Wales and even much of Europe. Here he died and was buried on March 17th. 462 AD. Today you can still visit that first little church, even though 1500 years have passed since Patrick ministered there. The visitor can also visit his burial place on the grounds of the Protestant Cathedral of Downpatrick in County Down.

Let’s celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day by praying for the country that Patrick loved so much.

Ambassadors of His Kingdom

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Dear Child,

The church will see My glory when the lives of My people bring glory to My name! The way you live and your walk will either bring glory or shame to My name, for you are called by My name. Realize the name you bear. You are not only My children, you are also My ambassadors on this earth which is only a temporal embassy. Others judge My kingdom by what they see in your lives.

They judge the power and authority of My kingdom by how you use that power and authority.

They judge the values of My Kingdom by what is important to you.

They judge the principles of My kingdom by the principles you live by.

Walk worthy of that kingdom! For you are the only ambassador of My kingdom that some will ever see! You are the only epistle some will ever read.

Walk worthy of the high calling of a Child of God.

Thus saith Papa

Mat 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

2 Cor 3:2 Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:

2 Cor 6:3 Giving no aoffence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed:

CHALLENGE: We must all ask, “ Did my attitudes, words and actions bring glory or shame to His Kingdom today?”

Having the Courageous Faith of a Crocus

Genesis 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

As the snow piles higher we grow weary of plowing our driveways and scraping our car windows, feeling almost imprisoned with cabin fever.

And yet we have an inner hope based on God’s Word, regardless of the weather channel which keeps forecasting more snow, that spring is on its way as we see the first crocus bravely pop its head through the snow. 


 If you are going through a winter season in your life and growing weary as circumstances pile high and you feel almost imprisoned in your current situation have the courage like the crocuses to keep pressing through. I want to encourage you today that in your life spring is also on its way. Just as sure as we reflect during Lent on Good Friday we can also be just as sure that Resurrection Sunday is on its way!

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation:but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.


 Just as Spring only follows Winter


 Victories only follow Battles

The Fruit of Our Lives


Without the fruit of the spirit, there is no manifestation of My presence within. The fruit is the outward evidence of the root structure.

A light is not hid, otherwise how can it show others the way! Your light shines only as your life manifests the fruit of My spirit. This light reproves darkness, just by shining!

Invest in the root structure and the fruit will be naturally born, not by sweat or toil, but just by abiding and spending time alone with Me.

                                                       Thus saith Papa


Gal 5:22 -23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.


Joy is Love’s strengthimages-2

Peace is Love’s security

Patience is Love’s endurance

Kindness is Love’s conduct

Goodness is Love’s character

Faithfulness is Love’s confidence

Gentleness is Love’s humility

Self-control is Love’s victory


CHALLENGE: Does your walk manifest His abiding presence in your life?


Hidden Manna Ministries copyright  ©  M.J.Bass 1999