I Really Want to Change But I Need Your Help, Lord!

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Dear Father,

Help me, Papa, to overcome, deny and not to feed that which is not of You in my temple!

I cannot, in myself, overcome attitudes that are of my fallen soulish nature. Help me! I can’t change my own attitudes; only you can! Do whatever it takes to conform me to the image of Christ.

Dear Child,

You lay it down, by not trying to preserve it and save it. Don’t even try to use attitudes of the old soulish nature to try and uphold the spirit, the spirit doesn’t need the fleshly soul to uphold it. In fact the fleshly soul will grieve the spirit and stunt the growth of your spirit.

Lay it down and lose it, that*old fleshly soul life; and you shall gain** spiritual life everlasting.

If you are feeding the soul and ego, you are starving the spirit! 

How often have I told you that your frustrations and attitudes are out of a desire to be pleasing and acceptable to man, be content with doing all things as unto Me, and these attitudes will have nothing to feed on! Do not feed attitudes that are not of my Spirit, starve them and do not dwell on them or give them life and they will wither and fall away like dead leaves on a tree. Without those leaves there will never be a manifestation of the fruit of the flesh.

                                                          Thus saith Papa

John 12:25  He that loveth his (psuche) life shall lose it; and he that hateth his (psuche) life in this world shall keep it unto (zoe) life 

This almost reads like an oxymoron “If I lose my life I will find my life” ??? until we look at these Greek words for “life”.

* “PSUCHE” is the Greek word used for our fleshly soul life

** “ZOE” is the Greek word for spiritual everlasting life 

1 Cor 5:7-8  Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

Challenge: Remember that to have a victory in the Spirit in this Great War you must have a defeat in the Flesh. Spend a few moments reflecting, with your heart totally naked before God, and list the attitudes that you need to put on a starvation diet!

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