Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow 

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It was so hard to say “Goodbye” to the church family in Russia. Until we meet again.

The Lord bless you and keep you;

the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;

the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace

Ephesians 6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

Your Feet Shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace. Eph.6:15  

Screen Shot 2015-09-12 at 10.03.27 PM What a thoughful hand made gift of a pair of white fur boots with an inscription “Ephesians 6:15 From Russia With Love”

Pastor Stanislav commented “That must mean you are going to Siberia!” LOL

Praying One For Another

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After praying for Tatyana for emotional, spiritual and physical health she was my constant companion while in Russia. In a few short days she became like a daughter to me and said she would learn English better so she could write to me. I think the English in her letter was very good! Love and miss you, Tatyana. Walk with the King and be a blessing!

Dear Maggie! The love of Jesus that you keep in your heart comes and hugs))It’s great!!Your eyes are the reflection of the eyes of Jesus. This radiance has touched my heart!!! May God bless You in your service to broadcast God’s love, beauty, tenderness, kindness and “king” of Christianity!

His Love Encompasses The Whole World 

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To my Russian family : See I really am a Scotch-Irish Russian Princess ready for ministry in Siberia! LOL

No matter where the Lord takes us in the world we find an immediate family connection to our brothers and sisters in the Lord! This is what I found in my recent trip to Russia, a love connection that I am already missing.

The Ministry of Anointed Translators

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My sincere thanks to our three Russian anointed translators, Anya , Galina and Olga who not only interpreted our words but also translated our spirits. Words can touch people’s minds but the spirit touched people’s hearts.