We had the privilege to visit, pray and try to comfort this precious couple in their home last night.
They have an amazing testimony of how they came to Christ. Last year they lost their twenty-five year old daughter in a car accident. She had become a dedicated believer and journaled everyday her time with God. When she died they found her journal, which her mother is holding so preciously, and read where she prayed for her parents to come to know Christ. As they read of God’s love for their daughter which filled the pages of the journal, God opened their hearts to His love for them and they surrendered their lives to Jesus. Please pray for them even as you read this because not only are they grieving the loss of their daughter but also the loss of their family, even their son, because they have become Christians.
May this story remind you to journal your time with God for you never know where or when God will use it. If their daughter had not left the legacy of this journal they may never have seen God’s great love.
John 12:24 Except a grain of wheat fall into the earth and die, it abideth by itself alone; but if it die, it beareth much fruit.