Sunday morning I was up so early trying to fit my saree but had to eventually seek the help of a kind young hotel maid. She opened the door to give us an opportunity to witness by asking us if we were going to church! We arrived to a packed church after a long bumpy, dusty ride of just 7 miles which took one hour because of the hectic traffic. Outside the church local ladies were carrying their water pots for their daily supply of water. While inside we were offering spiritual water for thirsty souls crowded on the stairs with some even watching from outside through the windows.
As we prayed and ministered at the end of the service we saw souls saved and healed by the power of God. One dear lady cried many tears of joy trying to tell us how God had healed her during our service the week before and thanked God for bringing us to their church. A family whom we had visited in their home told a young Hindu friend about God healing my body and he cycled over 25 miles to come and meet us and was gloriously set free. PTL!
In the afternoon we took much needed time out to relax for High Tea at the beautiful Taj hotel. Even there God had divine appointments for us. We meet a young hotel hostess who was from Jamaica who came to talk with me about my saree. During our conversation she inquired if I had gone to all that trouble just to come to tea! I explained I wore it to go to church. She was so excited to meet Christians as she was a believer but had not found a church since she had come to India. We were happy to connect her with one of the local pastors. She is visiting the USA in December and will meet up with us in New York to spend a few days with us.
The taxi driver who drove us back to our hotel was playing music, we couldn’t understand the words but recognized the tune as a worship song. How wonderful to meet another young believer! This may not seem like a big deal but in India it certainly is as it usually means they will be persecuted, refused certain education and employment and cut off from their families.There will be a cost but their faith is like gold tried in the furnace and so inspiring to us who live in the West where we often take our religious freedom so for granted.
Returning to our hotel physically exhausted but spiritually overflowing to prepare for another day in His Vineyard.
2 Corinthians 4:16 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.