More Precious Than Gold

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This E-mail touched my heart! I received it from the young Hindu man who had cycled over 25 miles in 100 degree sweltering weather to church last Sunday because his English teacher had shared my testimony of healing with him. What a privilege to pray with him to receive God’s love. He made the effort to write to me even though he says he doesn’t speak good English. I wish I could speak Indian as well as he speaks English LOL

Hai Dear,

I glad to inform you that I’m divan from Bangalore last Sunday we met on the church if you don’t know who I’m knidly see as per attached above photograph who wear green colour shirt that is I’m and last Sunday we have took many photograph that day I have unexpected have seen you I have merriment that day you told me Jesus love me a lot and I know little bit English although we can understood what do you spoke with me since I analysis my self how much god love with us thank you thanks a lot.. Kindly forgive me for any mistake of English i knew little English but i hope my self one day I’ll learn entire English because I’m going to spoken English class everyday.. I love You I miss You bye bye..If you have any word please give the feedback me..

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Just some of the fruit from your investment in our trip. Thank You!

If God gives you a word of encouragement for this young man please send it to me and I will forward it to him.

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