Today we were supposed to take a 4hour cab ride to Mysore Palace for the day but not getting back until 11pm. We decided to cancel to just catch our breath and relax before a busy weekend. I have been invited to speak tomorrow in a 30 minute slot at an all city rally whose topic is “Be Prepared To Meet Your God” Praying for inspiration to use this opportunity wisely. After the rally we have a service in the evening.Then on Sunday we have two services at different locations. Needless to say we had to come apart and rest awhile today. Besides I’m wearing a saree at the rally and it will probably take me all day to practice fitting it. LOL We may even treat ourselves to High Tea at the beautiful Taj Hotel. Only I would find a place for High Tea even in Bangalore India. LOL
Mark 6:31 Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while:for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat
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