Having Food and Raiment Let Us Be Content. 1Timothy 6:8

Having just returned from a mission trip to Russia where people have so much less than we do in the USA I realize even more how many Americans express dissatisfaction with life, despite the fact that we have more of the world’s good things than any other country. The richest country in the world is inhabited by the highest percentage of depressed and unhappy people.
The human emotional apparatus is constructed so as to disregard that which is taken for granted. The best immune system booster is a shot of super joy. Our emotions are related to the functioning of our immune system.
A modern day psychology book, The Law of Life, states “We are not made happy by what we acquire but by what we appreciate.” A survey in the book revealed that we usually take for granted 80% of the blessings in our lives, therefore we are only 20% as happy as we could be! Consequently the degree to which we are thankful determines our happiness; the degree to which we rejoice in the Lord determines our spiritual strength.
Page 145 “Developing a Secret History with God”
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