The Widow’s Mite


While ministering in Russia last week I was overwhelmed by the pure love and sacrificial generosity of the people. I was given several boxes of Russian chocolates, handmade jewelry and flowers grown in their small garden plots given to them by the government to grow their own vegetables. But the memory that will stay with me was that of a very old woman staggering up to me and saying in her broken English “For you, for you” and handing me a still warm smoked chicken wrapped only in clear plastic before disappearing anonymously into the crowd.

I was so touched by her sacrificial gift and at the same time overjoyed that God would use this as a clear window to my soul of the widow’s mite as I shared the story with my fellow pastors. We fed on the chicken that night after the service but are still spiritually feeding on her example. 

Mark 12:43 This poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.

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