Recognizing The Voice Of God

As we continue our cell group study on my book


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We meet each Wednesday evening at 7 pm

Hope to see you and discuss this week’s topic with you personally

Be inspired as you watch the video



The Oxymoron of being A “Living Sacrifice”


Dear Papa,

Help me to understand “laying down my all” on the altar, that I may walk in Your power and might. As I offer my life as a living sacrifice, I want it to be holy and acceptable to You, that the fire from heaven may fall, for only then will I know that my sacrifice is acceptable to You. Help me that it might be a sweet savor to You, Papa.

Dear Child,

Sacrifice has cost! Something must die! Self must die! The flesh must die!

Present your whole being on the altar and My fire will consume that which is of the old man, and that living sacrifice which remains will burn with power but not be consumed and will be a sweet savor to Me.

A living sacrifice doesn’t have to stay on the altar, as My Son didn’t have to stay on the cross, except by cords of love!

When you present yourself as a living sacrifice, it is only the motivation of love for Me that will keep you there. Regrets and ‘should haves’ will not secure you there. Good intentions will only slack the cords of love! Disobedience will break the cords of love!

Only obedience will keep you secure in My presence, and will be a sweet savor.

If you love me keep my commandments.

Obedience born out of love for Me is a sweet savor!

Obedience to Me will nourish the spirit and starve the flesh. Lose your soul life that you may have everlasting life in the spirit.  

                                                 Thus saith Papa

Rom 12:1  I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

He was a willing sacrifice as He hung on the cross, He could have come down from the cross and saved Himself! Likewise, when we present ourselves as a living sacrifice, we could crawl off the altar, only a dead sacrifice doesn’t have a choice! A living sacrifice must be a WILLING sacrifice! A dead sacrifice has no choice!

As I reflected on the oxymoron of the words “living sacrifice” the Lord impressed the words of the following prayer on my heart. I pray these words will be your prayer. 

CHALLENGE: Pray this prayer as a yielded vessel:

                              “ A living sacrifice,

                                Dying to self and alive to You.

                                In losing my life, I find it.

                                In dying I live,

                                A living sacrifice.

                                Consume that which is not of You

                                That You may fill me with that which is of You.

                                Salt the sacrifice

                                That I may thirst for more of You.” 

Excerpt from my book “Developing a Secret History with God” Page 80-85

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Amazing Love

I may not be perfect but Jesus thinks I am to die for…

We are not worthy but He thought we were worth it… 


Is what you are living for worth Jesus dying for?

Celebrating Christmas In September?

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I know in a few months we will be hectically preparing in our communities, homes and families around the world to celebrate the fact that a Savior was born to us. Don’t get me wrong I am glad that the world at least sets aside a day each year to recognize the coming of our Savior, even if it is only for “filthy lucre”, for it gives us an opportunity to share and spread the joy that He was willing to leave heaven, empty Himself to become Emmanuel, God with us. As Christmas Carols are echoing throughout malls and stores, even perhaps for the wrong reason, I am pleased to hear the gospel being preached through the words of those carols.

But at this September harvest season of the Jewish holy feast of Tabernacles, as believers, let us celebrate His birth in our hearts where He is now tabernacled by faith, as we meditate on John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and was tabernacled among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. 

All important events of God’s plan of redemption occurred on a Jewish feast day.

During the Jewish Feast of Passover He was slain for us as the Lamb of God

During the Jewish Feast of First Fruits He rose again as the first fruits of those that slept.

During the Jewish Feast of Pentecost He sent the Holy Spirit.

You may ask, “Is the date really that important?

The accuracy of the details in God’s prophetic plan of redemption for the world through His people Israel is not only important but also amazing!

So surely the most important event of all, the birth of the Jewish Messiah, would not be fulfilled on a Gentile holiday but rather fulfilled on a Jewish Feast day, the Feast of Tabernacles, which inspired the apostle John to write“ and He was tabernacled among us”. During this feast Jewish believers dwell in booths representing temporary dwelling places. So isn’t it interesting that the long awaited Jewish Messiah was born in a temporary dwelling place in a stable during the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles.

The ultimate fulfillment of this great feast will be according to Revelation 21:3-4 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain:for the former things are passed away.

CHALLENGE: This week celebrate and rejoice during “Sukkot” as you meditate on the detailed accuracy of God’s plan of redemption while still sharing during the December Christmas season with neighbors, family and friends the joy that a Savior was born and the hope of HIs second advent.

We Have A Heart of Gold

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The Holy of Holies where God dwelt in the Tabernacle of the Old Testament was made of  pure gold.

As believers we now have a heart of gold because God now dwells there by His Spirit

Although we are only redeemed dust, a fragile container, for this treasure of the Holy Spirit

God is working on us daily to make us a vessel of gold tried by fire into the purest, transparent gold for His dwelling place.

Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy, tried and true
With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living
Sanctuary for You

CHALLENGE: May we all pray “Create in me, Lord, a heart worthy of your presence as I bring my emotions, thoughts and actions under subjection to your throne, that the world may see that the King is in Residence there and glorify you.”