Why do we struggle ?

I think we would all agree that this one area, of faithfully spending time alone with God, is the area we struggle with as believers more than any other aspect of our Christian walk. In all other aspects of our walk we have others who can hold us accountable, but this is one area where we have to hold ourselves accountable. This is the part of our spiritual history that is hidden from the view of others, known only to the Lord and ourselves. The enemy is always at hand to offer justifiable excuses to muffle our conscience, be- cause he knows the spiritual power in the life of a believer who spends time in the Father’s presence. We are engaged in spiritual warfare as we endeavor to set aside this precious time to press on in. Having been there many times myself I cried out in desperation: “Teach me, Lord, to draw near that I may truly worship you! Why do I struggle with drawing near to be alone with You, when I know it is a privilege, and that privilege had an awesome price?”

© Copyright “Developing a Secret History with God” By Margaret Mearns Bass.

CHALLENGE: If this the cry of your heart, Chapter three of my book “Developing a Secret History with God” will inspire you by giving you some answers.

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Languages :- English and French

“Developing a Secret History with God”

This is not a book about dead religiosity BUT rather about a vibrant growing deep relationship with God.

This is not a book about deep knowledge BUT rather about a deep living faith.

This is not a book about doing BUT rather a book about becoming.

This book will reveal to the reader that God is not some mysterious entity out there somewhere BUT rather a personal loving heavenly Father who is as close as their own hearts who wants to fellowship with them as He did in the garden of Eden.

This book will strip away layer by layer of the inherent mystery the enemy has made of God’s children hearing His voice. 

This book will guide and take you on a journey into His presence. 

This book will inspire and encourage:

  1.  Those who are facing trials or sinking into hopelessness and despair:
  2. Those struggling with setting time aside each day to spend alone with God:
  3. Those who are “burned out” with busyness even good busyness:
  4. Those who have never considered they could hear God’s voice from within:
  5. Those desiring a more intimate relationship with God:
  6. Those seeking help to start this exciting journey with God:

Key scriptures

Matthew 6:6 / Mark 4:6 / John 10:3 -5 / Jeremiah18:2 / Jeremiah 33:3 

Revelation 2:17 / Revelation 3:20

Order your copy today : Amazon  / Barnes & Noble /  Lulu or a bookstore near you 

Also available on Kindle / Nook / and I-Tunes

Languages:- English and French




An Instrument in His Hand

Dear Child,

As you hold your pen lovingly, as a gift from John, even so I lovingly hold you in My hand. The pen is the instrument but the hand does the writing. Even so you are an instrument in My hand, but I am the one who inspires, anoints and opens doors.

Rest in My hand, even as your pen rests in your hand.

Flow with Me even as your pen flows with your hand.

Continue to be refilled with the Holy Spirit even as your pen needs to be refilled with ink.

There would be no imprint if your pen had no ink, even so your writing would have no imprint on hearts without the refilling of My Spirit.

Thus saith Papa




Marriage is a Drama played out on the Stage of our Lives

As John and I celebrate our 48th wedding anniversary we are aware that we are living in the midst of spiritual warfare and on the frontline of battle are our marriages. For if the enemy can defeat our marriages he has got an influence over our children, the strength of the local church (for churches are only as strong as the families in the church), the moral fiber of our society and last but not least, weakening the witness are marriages should be to the mystical union twixt Christ and His Bride, the church.

Our marriages are a love story, a drama played out on a stage of opposition from the enemy, the flesh, and the influence of a fallen world. But on that same stage is played out the greatest love story ever told. The story of a heroic Knight who left the glory of His palace to seek His beloved Bride and rescue her by laying down his life willingly to save her from the hands of the opposition.

Act One: The potential Bride is created and the Father says it is very good.

Act Two: The Bride falls to the power of the enemy because of a choice pleasing to the flesh resulting in a fallen world spiraling towards destruction.

Act Three: The loving heroic Knight invades the enemy’s territory to rescue His Bride by willingly laying down His life.

Act Four: The Knight is miraculously raised from the dead and returns home to prepare a place for His rescued bride.

Act Five: In the Father’s divine plan, it is the time that He has ordained that we may play out our parts in the drama. On one side of the stage stand the enemy; the flesh and a fallen world ready to wage war against our marriages. On the other side enters our Knight, His Father and His Messenger bearing gifts of forgiveness, grace, power and love to protect, restore and strengthen our marriages. In the center on middle stage we join the drama holding the gift of choice and free will, which the Father gave us in Act One.

It doesn’t matter where we have come from or what we have done in the past with this choice. This is a brand new scene still being written and we still have the choice and the responsibility of the outcome as the curtain falls on the part we played in history. Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses in the heavenilies who are watching this drama played out with anticipated breath, are we committed to do what we can to fight for and protect the witness of our marriages?

Will we fight the enemy, deny the flesh and overcome the world?

Our marriages are more than just about us! They are about future generations; they are about being conformed to His image; they are about being a witness to a fallen world; they are about upholding the Father’s divine plan and purpose for marriage and defeating the enemy at his frontline of attack.

As the curtain falls on the last line of the scene we played, will we be saying, “ I have finished the course, I have kept the faith”, as heaven applauds, while the Father declares,  “Well done thy good and faithful servant.”

Are you only living spiritually in survival mood?


 During the summer of 1999  we suffered a severe drought and I noticed the effect on my rose garden. The roses appeared to be healthy with deep glossy leaves but to my disappointment, there were only a few blooms, and those blooms were smaller than normal and lacked their normal heavy fragrance. This circumstance was a window to my soul and the Lord spoke this parable to my heart.

Dear Child,

“Look at your rose garden! They look healthy enough yet no blossom and therefore no fragrance! Because of the lack of water and the scorch of the sun they are in survival mode, doing all they can just to stay alive.

Likewise My people stay too long in survival mode, and there is no fruit from their lives. Yes, they are spiritually alive and look and appear to be healthy, but where is the blossom and fragrance from their lives? They are not drawing near and supping with Me where I can give them rivers of living water to sustain them during all the trials of life.

Many will spend their lives at the Brazen Altar in survival mode, where, yes they are believers but they are not disciples and priests ministering unto Me at the Golden Altar of Incense.”

Thus saith Papa

Mark 11:12 -14 And on the morrow, when they were come from Bethany, he was hungry:  And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet.  And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it.Mark 11:20-21  And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away.

CHALLENGE:  Does the fruit of our lives satisfy His need or does He just find leaves?