Dear Father,
While admiring the beauty of the work of your hands, as I see the hills and mountains ablaze with vibrant shades of yellow, orange and red, and marvel at the fruitful harvest from your faithful provision, I am amazed, for surely all this declares your majesty and awesomeness!
As I reflect, I have to question who am I that you would be concerned with me? I will never fathom Your love and mercy and yet I believe it with all my heart.
Oh, Papa, may my life declare your majesty and faithfulness as much as the creation of nature echoes your awesomeness!
Dear Child,
Creation just naturally fulfills the purpose it was created for. It doesn’t strive to do anything else! It never doubts My sovereignty but without effort awaits each season, knowing each season has a unique purpose.
But I cannot commune with nature, I cannot fellowship with nature. Only man was created in My image, to fellowship and commune with Me!
All of this beauty was created for man! And man was created to relate to Me!
As you commune and fellowship with Me, your life is declaring My majesty and mercy, for by faith in My mercy, you are trusting My sovereignty and majesty! You are a vessel to display that majesty and mercy, but you must allow Me to fill the vessel daily or you will run dry.
Thus saith Papa
Psalm 8:3 -4 / Isaiah 64:8 / Jeremiah / 18:2-4
Just as creation brings glory to His name by simply fulfilling its purpose, even so, as we fellowship with and wait on the Lord, we are fulfilling that for which He created us. He created us to fellowship with Him!
CHALLENGE: Are you making that journey each day to the Potter’s house, are you yielding as He molds you season to season, that your life might display, not only the signature of the Creator, but also His majesty and faithfulness.
Remember He has a reason for this season of your life!
For more on this subject see my book “Developing a Secret History with God”