“Fear is a reaction but Courage is a decision.” Winston Churchill

Facing my fear and returning to the place of my accident in May which resulting in a broken hip and immediate surgery in Manhattan for a hip replacement.

Thankful to the Lord for His faithfulness in my recovery and the prayers of so many. I still have some limitations but it was an emotional victory to have the courage to return to the scene where I breathed in my courage and exhaled my fear.

Why is the color purple associated with Royalty?

The color purple’s ties to kings and queens date back to the ancient world, and

even Biblical times. Purple was used to cover the Ark of the covenant depicting the royalty of His Presence. Kings of the Old Testament are said to have worn purple. At Jesus’ trial they clothed Him in a purple robe and crown of thorns when they mocked Him as King of the Jews.

During her reign, Queen Elizabeth1, passed Sumptuary Laws that forbid anyone but close relatives of the royal family to wear purple, so the color not only reflected the wearer’s wealth but also their regal status.

In Roman times, the only available purple dye was Phoenician “Tyrian purple” This was very expensive because it took as many as 250,000 sea snail mollusks to yield just one ounce of usable dye, so only the very richest could wear it. At various times its use was controlled by law, so only the Emperor could wear a robe that was all purple, while Senators could only wear a toga with a purple fringe. Some of these Roman Emperors forbid their citizens from wearing purple clothing under penalty of death.

I was feeling very royal in my purple yesterday because I really am a princess of His Kingdom having the legal right to wear purple because of His precious shed blood no longer living under the fear and the penalty of death.

CHALLENGE: Come on Sister Princesses dig deep in your closet for your purple apparel. You have the royal right to wear it!

“Becoming A Warrior Princess”

The “Becoming A Warrior Princess” seminar is coming SOON!!!
PLACE: Phoenix Christian Assembly.
2030 North 36th Street Phoenix AZ 85008
DATE: 29th -30th September 2017
RESERVATIONS : 602-275-8085
I personally invite you to enlist for this spiritual Boot Camp where we will be encouraged and equipped to overcome spiritual battles in our lives, our marriages, our families and our world.

Are You Sowing What You Want To Reap?

Dear Child,

Whatsoever you sow, you will reap! Sow abundantly into others lives and you will reap an abundant harvest.Whatever you sow in others’ lives will reap in your own life.

 Whatever you want in your own life, sow into others.

If you want hope, sow hope

If you want integrity, sow integrity

If you want love, sow love

If you want faithfulness, sow faithfulness

If you want motivation, sow motivation

If you want edification, sow edification

If you want encouragement, sow encouragement.

Whatever seeds you sow in the garden of your life is what will grow, and as you care for the seeds, it will reveal where your treasure is. Where you spend your finances, time, and talent is where your heart is at.

                                                            Thus saith Papa

Gal 6:7  Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

2 Cor 9:6  But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.

After I have faithfully planted a seed in my garden, there is nothing I can do to cause it to germinate and grow, because the life is in the seed not in the sower. But I must be responsible and sow the seed.  Remember although the life is in the seed, the responsibility is in the sower!

CHALLENGE: Don’t complain of lack in an area of your life, but rather sow that which you want to harvest in that area. 

Investing Your Life In Others


Taking time out of our TOO busy schedule to invest time with our dear friends Christine and Michael Rhia. What a blessed time we had! Give a friend your time today and be blessed.

Many today do not have deep relationships because they do not invest their lives in others resulting in shallow roots. Likewise many do not have a deep relationship with the Lord because they do not invest time with Him resulting in shallow spiritual roots.

Life is not about things. Life is about relationships with God and with others.

My book “Developing A Secret History With God” will encourage and inspire you to invest time developing your spiritual root structure.