Give Yourself a Big Hug

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Dear Child,

All My creation was created for a purpose and to work in harmony and peace on the earth. You were also created to live in harmony and peace, that is why My word tells you, to live at peace with all men where possible. 

But most of all, live in harmony with your own being. May your body, soul and spirit be in harmony, that you might know peace! Be led by the spirit and you will know peace! When you have this harmony and peace in your own being, it will be easier to live at peace and in harmony with others. 

You cannot love others if you do not love yourself, 

You cannot have peace with others if you are not at peace with yourself.

You cannot forgive others if you can’t forgive yourself.

Be led by the spirit and you will like yourself and have peace and harmony within.

Where there is LOVE I am there!

Where there is PEACE I am there!

Where there is HARMONY I am there!

Where LOVE, PEACE and HARMONY are displayed, My presence is displayed.

Prepare your heart as a sanctuary by filling it with LOVE, PEACE and HARMONY.

Are you living at peace and harmony with yourself? And loving and accepting yourself, body, soul and spirit, as I love you? As love, peace and harmony are displayed in your life My presence will be displayed in your life.

                                                  Thus saith Papa.

If I live as a person of inner integrity, (doing that which I know to be right even when nobody is looking), I will be undivided as a person and have a sanctuary of love, peace and harmony within. But if I choose to ignore and silence my conscience, I could shipwreck my life, and have nothing within except strife, stress and bitterness. 

1Timothy 1: 9 Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck:

1John 3:21  Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.

1 Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

CHALLENGE: –     Forgive yourself as He has forgiven you

                             Love yourself as He loves you

                             Let the peace of God rule in your heart

                             Live in harmony with your whole being


The Love That Will Set You Free

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Dear Child, 

I set your spirit free to worship Me, for where My Spirit is there is liberty!

Not by conformity to man or as people pleasers, but to please only Me.

For when you fully comprehend My love for you, you can do anything, for then you are free!

Why worry what people may think, when I am the only Judge?

I am the one who knows you the best yet loves you the most.

All  the  hurts I see, all the past I see, all the struggles I see, all the shortcomings I see but I have set you free! 

You are free to become who I created you to be, lay down the struggles and just be the you I had in mind when I formed you in your mother’s womb.                                                                  

My child, My love for you will never change!

                                                   Thus saith Papa

Galatians 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. 

John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed!

CHALLENGE: Delight in the vastness of His love and be free!