High Tea is one of the Highlights of the Christmas Season!

This was just my “cup of tea”. Chatting with my dear friend Betty Klein and enjoying the Ladies Christmas Tea at First Presbyterian Church in Bethlehem.

Merry Christmas to all the 200 ladies we fellowshipped with both old friends I hadn’t seen in a long time and new friends. Since I annually have a high tea in the summer I know the work behind organizing a function like this. My thanks to all the workers. You made it one of my joys this Christmas!

A Christmas Prayer

Teach us to value most eternal things…
To find the happiness that giving brings..
To know the peace of misty, distant hills…
To know the joy that giving self fulfills…
To realize anew this Christmas Day…
The things we keep are those we give away.–

Marvin Davis Winsett

What Can Shatter Your Christmas ?

“Dear Child,
The joy of the season is found in relationships not in things!
Firstly a restored relationship with Me, and then the grace that I give that you may restore broken relationships with others. Love cannot be displayed without relationships. In loving you find the meaning for living.
Love is only love when you give it away, and in order to give you must have someone to give it to. Therefore you must invest in relationships. If you are giving with the right motivation you will have joy for it is more blessed to give than to receive. If you don’t have joy in giving, look inside and check the motivation.”
Thus saith Papa.
Nothing is more of a joy breaker than broken relationships at the holidays.
They can shatter your Christmas!

Is He Being Born in You This Christmas?

After Mary’s 3 month stay with her cousin Elizabeth, when Mary returned to her home she was “showing”. Those in whom Christ is formed will show it, it will be found to be a work of God which He will own. (Matthew Henry Commentary)
During your Christmas devotion time reflect on the above thought – Are you “showing” to your family and friends that Christ is being formed in you?

Invest in Relationships

After taking heed of the following word from my heavenly Papa, John and I decided to host a Christmas open house for over 50 of our neighbors. Many we hadn’t seen in years as we are all so busy . . . . and some we had never met. It was a time of sweet fellowship and an opportunity for us to just stop for an evening and invest time in each other. A great time of joy and blessing was had by all. Consider opening up your home, share the love of Christ and the true joy of the season through investing in old and new relationships.If we lived nearby we would love to invite you all to our open house!
Dear Child,
The joy of the season is found in relationships not in things!
Firstly a restored relationship with Me, and then the grace that I give that you may restore broken relationships with others, and to invest even more in current relationships.
Love cannot be displayed without relationships. In loving you find the meaning for living.
Love is only love when you give it away, and in order to give you must have someone to give it to. Therefore you must invest in relationships. If you are giving with the right motivation you will have joy. If you don’t have joy in giving, look inside and check the motivation.
Thus saith Papa.