Choices are the Seeds you are Sowing


Dear Child,

Make good choices, child!

A choice that will bring confusion or a choice that will bring peace!

A choice that will bring disorder or a choice that will bear the fruit of order!

A choice that will bring frustration or a choice that will bring satisfaction!

Life is made up of choices.

Your choices are the seeds you are sowing.

That choice will determine the harvest and the crop!

Do not be divided and sow mingled crop, stay focused.

You will not bear different fruit in the varied roles of your life.

Your life, regardless of the role, is only one field!

And your character and integrity is only one root!

Consistency and focus in one area does not compensate for lack of consistency and focus in another area of your life.

If one area is out of focus, your whole life will be out of focus and out of balance.

                                                           Thus saith Papa

Gal 6:7  Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

James 3:11  Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?

Lev.19:19…. thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed:

Authentic seed is the result of not only knowing our values and convictions, but by choosing to live by them, being true to ourselves, and not living a double life where we

sow mingled seed by saying one thing and yet live another. 

Challenge: We must wisely weigh our choices because sooner or later, there will be a harvest !

Attitude Adjustment


Dear Father,

Adjust my attitudes because out of that will come my words and actions. Open the eyes of my understanding, that I may know how to let You govern my attitudes that come from deep within.

Dear Child,

Your words and actions will be determined by your attitudes.

You will not say or do anything that is not ignited by an attitude.

Listen, listen, have an ear to hear what the spirit is saying!

Let the voice of My Spirit govern your attitudes.

Only I can transform an attitude as you yield to My Spirit..

Be led by the Spirit and you will say and do that which is pleasing in My sight.

Attitudes govern your motivation.

Motivation governs your words.

Your words govern your actions.

Your actions are the ultimate fruit and harvest of the attitudes.

If I govern your attitudes

I will govern your life

Only then am I Lord!

Attitudes are the thoughts of the heart. Thoughts of the mind and words spoken are governed by these, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

Words are a display of the contents of the heart.

Actions are the fruit of those contents.

                                                             Thus saith Papa

Rom 8:13-14For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Luke 6:45-46  A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?

CHALLENGE: Declare and affirm His Lordship in your life today, by obeying that still small voice deep within, that He may daily transform you from the inside out!

Check my Book Video

Inspiring Intimacy with God



Back Cover

Dear Father,
Thank you for your Word and for ears to hear it. Thank you for the Holy Spirit to teach it, and your grace available to live it. Help me daily as I read your Word, to hide it deep in my heart, lest the enemy comes and steals it away. Help me daily to faithfully spend my time with you that I might have deep roots through my secret history alone with you. I know it’s only with these deep roots, the enemy cannot pull up and steal the word from my heart. It’s buried deep in the soil of my heart and hidden! With your help, Lord, it will with patience bear good fruit that has been brought to perfection.
In His loving Name, Amen!

Dear Child,
That is the hidden manna of your heart! Your secret history is that path I walk with you that nobody else knows of, that secret history is time spent with the One who knows you the best and loves you the most. Only I know all the motivation of your heart and thoughts, only you and I know your innermost being. Your history and communications with Me, will be the path we can share, as I alone can deal with those motivations that are not of My Spirit, and daily transform you into My likeness as we spend time together.
Thus saith Papa.

Page 127 “Developing a Secret History with God”

CHALLENGE: If this is the prayer of your heart as you start the New Year this book will inspire and encourage you on your journey.

Click on this link to look inside the book



The Road to Nowhere is paved with Good Intentions!


Many talk of New Year’s resolutions but very few follow through on them. This leaves us disillusioned and trusting ourselves a little less. Instead of the resolution bringing us some order and peace, thinking we now have some solution and some control over problems in our lives, it brings disappointment, hopelessness and added stress. This hopelessness and stress is due to not living in harmony with ourselves, realizing we lack integrity when it comes to making a promise to ourselves! The more we lie to ourselves the easier it becomes because we stop believing ourselves and the voice of the conscience becomes quieter and quieter. 

How many New Years have you been breaking promises you have made to yourself? We are creatures of habit, so the more we do it the easier it becomes! Without integrity, we are a divided person because “integrity” means a quality or state of being complete and undivided. When we make a resolution in haste while our hearts are saying “ no way!” we have become a divided person. To have a heart of integrity we must say what we mean and mean what we say! Shakespeare said it well “To thine own self be true”. 

When we are not true to ourselves, our consciences convict us. But what do we do with that conviction? If we ignore it or try to drown it out with activity or entertainment, so we don’t have to spend time alone with inner selves, that voice of conscience will become quieter and quieter, until we have no integrity left. With that integrity will go our peace because we have come to a place where we no longer live in harmony with our own conscience.

1Tim.1:19  Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck:

Our world is searching for answers, but they are looking for answers from real, authentic people with integrity. I dare to say that if we have not integrity with our own beings, it is very unlikely that we will be able to authenticate our Christian walk to others. If we break promises and lie to ourselves, it is more likely we will break promises and lie to others because we will have silenced the voice of our conscience. 

For the year 2013 the Lord has impressed upon my heart to grow in INTEGRITY and be a whole person, body, soul and spirit. In order to be that whole person I need BALANCE in each area of my being, body, soul and spirit. It will involve external discipline. Moving along the upward spiral requires us to LEARN, COMMIT, and DO on increasingly higher planes. We deceive ourselves if we think that any one of these is sufficient. To keep progressing, we must LEARN, COMMIT, and DO –LEARN, COMMIT, and DO — LEARN, COMMIT, and DO again…..This year promise yourself that you will not be “all talk” but will keep your word to yourself.

Wherever the year 2013 takes you, may the road be paved with solid commitments, placed with balance and cemented in integrity. As a step towards this assignment of pursuing integrity and balance, I want to encourage each of us to make one realistic commitment to ourselves in each of the three areas of our being, body, soul and spirit.

Job 31:6  Let me be weighed in an even balance that God may know mine integrity.


1What one thing are you willing to commit to do in 2013 to mature spiritually?

2. What one thing are you willing to commit to do in 2013 to take better care of your body?  

3. What one thing are you willing to commit to do in 2013 to improve your emotional well being?