An Agent of His Grace

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Dear Father,

As I reflect this day on your great mercy and grace towards me, I ask that you will help me grow in grace and mercy towards others. Help me to be truly “charismatic” which means gracious, merciful and forgiving. Thank you for Your work in my heart today.

Dear Child,

To grow in grace means to grow to be merciful and have a forgiving spirit, even as I have a forgiving spirit.

To grow in My grace and be conformed to My Image, you must have a forgiving spirit.

An unforgiving spirit is of your old father of lies.

If you learn of Me you will be forgiving by putting on the mind of Christ who cried, “Forgive them for they know not what they do!”

When you are forgiving you are putting Me on!

When you refuse to let go, you are holding unto the old man.

                                                            Thus saith Papa


Mattthew 18:32  Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me: Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee?

2 Peter 3:18  But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Often we grow in knowledge but lack growth in grace! We need grace to work out that knowledge in everyday life. If we lack the grace to forgive we need to humble ourselves before God for as the scripture says James 4:6  But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

Gain grace from God that you may be able to let others’ debts go!

Forgiveness is not denial but dealing with it as far as is within your power. It takes two to reconcile but that may not be within your control BUT remember it only takes one to forgive and that is a choice that is within your control.


CHALLENGE: Ask the Holy Spirit to search the hidden recesses of your heart today, for perhaps a neglected opportunity to grow in grace by forgiving a buried hurt or offense.

Walk the Way of the Word

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Dear Child,

Take heed and walk the words I feed you, only then will that manna remain fresh, or else it will become the stench of hypocrisy.

To stay fresh and stay alive you must digest it that it may become part of every cell of your being.

Just as Israel ate of the manna which I provided, only that which they ate did not deteriorate and begin to stink.

Hypocrisy is a stench! Words but no walk!

Only that which you walk will give life to others! The rest is dead works!

                                                         Thus saith Papa

Luke 12:1 Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

James 1:22  But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

John 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

During Israel’s wandering in the wilderness God provided them manna everyday to feed upon. They had to pick it fresh every morning, early before the heat of the sun melted it. The manna deteriorated if not eaten that same day, IT COULD NOT BE STORED IF NOT ABSORBED. What a lesson that is to us! Similarly we must feed on the nutrients of the Word everyday but only that which we swallow and absorb can we store by hiding it in our hearts. Only while it is stored in our hearts will our manna stay fresh as it becomes part of our very being, the same way a piece of physical bread becomes part of us as we swallow it and it takes nutrients of life to every cell of our body. Our manna takes spiritual life to every fiber of our being that we may live by the Word. Only as we choose to obey does the Word become alive, otherwise it is only the cold letter of the Word.

 To ‘ABSORB’ means ‘ to take in and appropriate’ or ‘to make part of the existent whole’. 

Many today are suffering from spiritual anorexia where the heavenly manna gets no further than their minds or at most they only chew it over due to a lack of appetite. While others are weak because of spiritual bulimia where they may swallow the word but it is thrown up because they do not obey it and appropriate it to their lives.

CHALLENGE: Is there the stench of hypocrisy in our lives from “thrown up” words, which we do not walk?

Excerpt from “Developing a Secret History with God” page 130  This book will revolutionize your quiet time with God

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Develop a Lasting Love in Your Marriage

As we celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary this year

          we rejoice at God’s blessing and grace on our years together.

           1964 AGAPE, PHILEO AND EROS LOVE led us to 2014

                We are brother and sister in the Lord, we are best friends and we are lovers.


In the Greek language AGAPE – PHILEO – EROS –  are all words for love, yet each displaying a different character of love.

AGAPE – Displays the character of God for God is love. It’s the love that cannot be earned, an unconditional love with acceptance and  forgiveness.

Agape love is displayed in a marital union of two good forgivers who learn to seek forgiveness and offer forgiveness, accepting the shortcomings in each other. As both spouses move towards God they are also moving closer to each other as His character is formed in them.

It is available to us through the power of the Holy Spirit.

It is the power of being like-spirited as we pray together, minister together and serve one and other.

PHILEO – Displays the character of friendship. Unlike agape love phileo love has to be earned as it involves trust. It is earned as we learn to trust one another through communicating from the depths of our hearts. Trusting our spouses with our deep wounds, our aspirations, passions and dreams. Never leave your heart unspoken for it displays your heart to your spouse.

Your spouse should be your most trusted and best friend. A relationship where you laugh together, cry together, play together and support  each other’ dreams.

It has been said that “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.”. Friedrich Nietzsche

It is the power of being like-minded as you have fun together sharing and supporting each others’ hobbies, passions and dreams.

EROS –   Displays the character of romantic and sexual love. Eros love is like a phileo friendship love caught on fire. Keep the fire lit in your marriage and your life will be filled with warmth.

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.”  ~Mignon McLaughlin

The Eros love is the only love that makes your marriage different and unique than any other relationship, that is why it is so important to keep romance alive. Light the candles, turn on the music and keep that flame burning brightly.

It is the power of physical attraction and the consummation of body, soul and spirit.

“To keep the fire burning brightly there’s one easy rule:  Keep the two logs together, near enough to keep each other warm and far enough apart – about a finger’s breadth – for breathing room.  Good fire, good marriage, same rule.”  ~Marnie Reed Crowell

 A  successful marriage needs all three “loves” to hold it together. As we love God with our body, soul and spirit, likewise we need to love our spouses with our body, soul and spirit. Now we’re talking unity!  In fact the unity in our marriage is a witness to the world of the mystical union of Christ and His church according to Ephesians 5:23


CHALLENGE: “A marriage is not a noun. It isn’t something you are. It is a verb. It’s the way you love your partner everyday with AGAPE, PHILEO and EROS love.


The Valentine Card that Saved the Day

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A young 19 year old girl while serving in the Women’s Royal Air Force in England and based at R.A.F. Hereford, which was the School of Catering for the Royal Air Force, met her destiny. With a base of 7000 men and only 200 women she was never shy of a date but as yet had not met her Mr. Right. Every 6 weeks there would be a new class of potential chefs brought in for training. At a fall dance on the base she won a twisting contest and met one of those trainees who not only won the same contest for the guys but also won her heart. From that night they saw each other most evenings for the next few weeks until his training was over and he had to return to his base on the other side of England.

This is where our story takes a turn as she waits to meet her Knight in Shining Armor at the canteen on the base to say goodbye as he is leaving Hereford the next day. Much to her embarrassment he doesn’t show and stands her up for all their friends to see.They try to console her but her anger overcomes her hurt.

The next morning at breakfast she had to sit in a different dining room as she was permanent staff and he had to sit in the trainee’s dining room. He sees her as she gets up to leave but doesn’t have the courage to face the tearful hurt in her eyes. He lets her walk away to a life without him as he boards the bus to take him hundreds of miles away.

But as Providence would have it, it was Valentine weekend, and to her chagrin she had already mailed him a Valentine card which of course she could not retrieve. When he receives her card back at his base he decides to take the risk to write and try to explain. His excuse for standing her up was that he didn’t want to have to say goodbye. Now who would ever buy that reasoning? Well she did and they have been married now for fifty years!

That Valentine day was 51 years ago and John and I are still thanking God every February 14th. for His providence in our lives through the card that saved the day and our destiny in each other’s lives.

Psalm 78:41 Don’t limit the Holy One of Israel

CHALLENGE: Never underestimate the Providence of God in your life! 


Give Yourself a Big Hug

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Dear Child,

All My creation was created for a purpose and to work in harmony and peace on the earth. You were also created to live in harmony and peace, that is why My word tells you, to live at peace with all men where possible. 

But most of all, live in harmony with your own being. May your body, soul and spirit be in harmony, that you might know peace! Be led by the spirit and you will know peace! When you have this harmony and peace in your own being, it will be easier to live at peace and in harmony with others. 

You cannot love others if you do not love yourself, 

You cannot have peace with others if you are not at peace with yourself.

You cannot forgive others if you can’t forgive yourself.

Be led by the spirit and you will like yourself and have peace and harmony within.

Where there is LOVE I am there!

Where there is PEACE I am there!

Where there is HARMONY I am there!

Where LOVE, PEACE and HARMONY are displayed, My presence is displayed.

Prepare your heart as a sanctuary by filling it with LOVE, PEACE and HARMONY.

Are you living at peace and harmony with yourself? And loving and accepting yourself, body, soul and spirit, as I love you? As love, peace and harmony are displayed in your life My presence will be displayed in your life.

                                                  Thus saith Papa.

If I live as a person of inner integrity, (doing that which I know to be right even when nobody is looking), I will be undivided as a person and have a sanctuary of love, peace and harmony within. But if I choose to ignore and silence my conscience, I could shipwreck my life, and have nothing within except strife, stress and bitterness. 

1Timothy 1: 9 Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck:

1John 3:21  Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.

1 Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

CHALLENGE: –     Forgive yourself as He has forgiven you

                             Love yourself as He loves you

                             Let the peace of God rule in your heart

                             Live in harmony with your whole being