Why did Jesus leave heaven? 


The Son of God became a man to enable men to become the sons of God  C. S. Lewis

John1 :12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

The Reason for the Season!

“Christmas can be celebrated in the school room with pine trees, tinsel and reindeers, but there must be no mention of the man whose birthday is being celebrated. One wonders how a teacher would answer if a student asked why it was called Christmas.?”

Ronald Reagan


Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

Dressing The House to Celebrate

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I was spending time “Dressing the house” and putting finishing touches to my Christmas tree to celebrate the season, when I took a moment to sit down with my Scottie and Westie, to reflect and be inspired as I read Jack Hayford’s Christmas Devotional where he  writes:-

“Be assured this is righteous.

I mean it! Decoration of the house at Christmas is neither a surrender to pagan traditions nor a capitulation to commercialism.

If God commissioned angels to roll back the night and fill it with blazing light
If God provided a mighty celestial choir to serenade a few startled shepherds,
If God graced the heavens with a miracle star,
If God arranged such a memorable entry point as a feeding trough in a stable,
If God went to all this trouble to open our eyes to His entry into our world
Then we needn’t apologize for festooning our home with a few seasonal reminders!
Since the light of the world has come, lights strung across the roof only shout it from the housetop. Candles and candelabra, stars and starlight, gifts and giving, songs and sonnets, light and lightheartedness, angel cookies and wise men or ornaments – all are consistent with what transpired on our little planet two thousand years ago.
That we celebrate the memory with attention and care, the wonder-filled and wonder-full is entirely appropriate”.

CHALLENGE: As we prepare our hearts for His Advent let us also prepare our homes as a window to display the celebration and joy of the season for family, friends and neighbors as they visit our homes.

Being Robbed of the Joy of the Season!

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The Lord gave me this following word several years ago and it is still resonating in my ears as the cash registers begin to incessantly ring as crowds at the mall increase and driving around and around trying to find a parking space is almost impossible.

Dear Child,

The pressure and stress that robs you of the joy of the season, has been manufactured by man, and has led man into slavery, when this season was to set men free from the bondage of this world. The angels cry “joy to the world” not “stress to the world”. Do not try to package My gift in wrapping paper of stress tied up with a bow of pressure! My gift came wrapped in joy and tied with love. May the joy of the season overflow from your heart as you extend your arms as ribbons of love to others.

Thus saith Papa

Balancing the Word

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

