Prophecy Fulfilled


Genesis 22:6 God will provide HIMSELF a lamb for a burnt offering.

This prophecy is fulfilled at Christmas.

On that day God did provide a lamb caught in the thicket to take the place of Isaac which was only a shadow of the depth of the prophecy.  For the day came when God not only provided the lamb – He HIMSELF became that Lamb to take my place and to take your place.

Hebrews 10:5 Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me.

The babe in the manger was that body – Emmanuel – God with us.

He is the Gift of Christmas

It has been said that we should never judge a book by its cover. During this gift giving season I want to remind us that we should never judge a gift by its wrappings! The most expensive, the most planned and thoughtful gift ever offered to this world was placed in an old unclean manger for a box and wrapped in lowly swaddling clothes but as we start to unwrap this precious gift we find it is tied with red ribbons dipped in the blood of the greatest love mankind has ever known.


John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life

As Isaac Newton writes

“Were the whole realm of nature mine,

That were a present far too small;

Love so amazing, so divine,

Demands my soul, my life, my all.”

Serious Christmas Food for Thought:

A survey ranked Jesus as # 3 of the top influential leaders of all time simply because His followers are less faithful in obeying His commandments!

“How many observe Christ’s birthday! How few, His precepts!”  ~Benjamin Franklin

John 14:15 “If you love me, you will keep my commandments”


The Birth of the Lamb of God

Have you ever wondered why the King of Kings was not born in a palace but rather in a lowly stable? It may surprise us but it was no surprise to God that there was no room in the inn. It was planned in the mind of God from eternity for He was born not only as the Son of God but the LAMB of God. Lambs are not born in palaces or hotels but in stables and surrounding fields like all other lambs. The place of His birth in a stable defined His purpose to be the Sacrificial Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.


Don’t let anyone steal your Christmas Joy

May we all like the Grinch in the children’s book “How The Grinch Stole Christmas” eventually gain some insight and wisdom into the real meaning of the Christmas season

“He puzzled and puzzled till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. Maybe Christmas, he thought… doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps… means a little bit more!

How could it be so? It came without ribbons!… it came without tags!… it came without packages, boxes, or bags!

But this… this sound wasn’t sad. Why… this sound sounded glad. Every Who down in Whoville, the tall and the small, was singing, without *any* presents at all! He hadn’t stopped Christmas from coming, it *came*! Somehow or other… it came just the same.”


Galatians 4:4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.