Step in a Little Deeper


Last week as I was getting my feet wet in the beautiful Pacific Ocean being a bit dubious to step out further due to the incoming white surf of the huge breaking waves behind me I was reminded of an old gospel song from the Cathedral Quartet. 


Step into the water

Wade out a little bit deeper

Wet your feet in the water of His love

Step into the water

Wade out a little bit deeper.

Not all waters are as inviting and warm as the Pacific Ocean yet I do know that regardless of incoming crashing waves in our lives we can have the confidence to wade out a little deeper into the water and warmth of His love.

Matthew 17:28-31 And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.” Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt.”

Keep your eyes on Jesus and you will not fear the crashing surf of those incoming waves.

Leaving Footprints


Only a few days ago I was stepping into the beautiful Pacific Ocean and walking on warm sands of the beach at the famous Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego. The hotel of movie stars, presidents and the location of many movies.

And now today I’m stepping into piles of snow and walking on iced packed streets back on the East Coast.

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No matter the terrain we walk in life today be it sunny or cold, be it on sand or on snow, we are leaving footprints for others to follow tomorrow.

Remembering as Paul said “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ” 1 Corinthians 11:1

Rising Up Like Eagles



On a visit to the beach during my recent trip to San Diego I watched the seagulls hurrying along on the beach so busy, busy on their spaghetti like thin legs than can scarcely carry their body weight.

So busy but not getting very far until they spread their wings and take off soaring high and just let the wind beneath their wings carry them off over the roaring waves crashing against the rocks. As I attentively watched these birds fly away I notice there is a time when they flap their wings spread out to their capacity and then a time when they just glide along without any effort.

Papa, When I leave my comfort shore line and try to wearily swim with all my might to other unfamiliar shores against the stormy waves of life as they crash against my hopes and dreams, I just want to spread my wings and soar far above with the wind of the Holy Spirit carrying me afar.

Isaiah 40:31 They that wait for Jehovah shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.

CHALLENGE: Spread your wings to their capacity and see how far the Holy Spirit will take you.

Do all you can do and leave the miraculous to God.

Book Review



Do you have a desire to build a closer relationship with God but it’s just not happening?

Do you long to hear His Voice speak to you in audible tones but it doesn’t?

Do you try to seek His Face in that quiet “secret place” but the cares of this world keep interrupting?

Perhaps there is a small part of your heart where weeds have disrupted the roots. It happens to all of us, and until we discover just what is keeping us from our Father, we face frustrations.

Maggie Bass has found a direct road to the throne room and she shares this in her book “DEVELOPING A SECRET HISTORY WITH GOD”.

It is a rich and inspiring journey to an intimate relationship with the Savior. A “great read” to get you started on deepening and strengthening your own roots. While reading of Maggie’s incredible journey, you will want to take an honest look into your own life and determine how you can start your own “SECRET HISTORY”!

Rev. Patti Mariano

This Book and accompanying Study Guide will revolutionize your quiet time with God. Available now at Amazon/ Barnes & Noble/ Walmart/Kindle Nook / Ibooks/ Lulu/ Rhema Publications/ Cl France or a bookstore near you.

Or you can order the book directly from me today and receive a personal signed copy. Thank you for your support of my ministry. Walk with the King and be a blessing! e-mail or message me on Facebook


Why do we avoid time with God?