Unraveling the Stress of the Christmas Season


As we head into heat of the Christmas season with the frustrating lines in the stores, the tangled lights that don’t work after hours of decorating, the strained relationships especially within families, the baking that was a flop, the stress to fit all the activities into your calendar are only examples of  the pressure cooker we make of the season as we blow our tops and lose the joy of the season, I am cautioned by this word my heavenly Papa dropped into my heart.

Dear Child,

The pressure and stress that robs you of the joy of this season has been manufactured by man and led man into slavery when this season was to set man free from the bondage of this world. The angels cry “Joy to the world” not “Stress to the world”.

Do not try to package my gift in wrapping paper of stress tied up with a bow of pressure!

My gift came wrapped in joy and tied with love.

May the joy of the season overflow from your hearts as you extend your arms as ribbons of love to others.

Thus saith Papa

Luke 2:10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. 

CHALLENGE: Do not let the world pour you into its mold of stress during this season of joy.

The Blessings Of A Thankful Heart 

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Why does God continually remind us to be thankful? 

 A thankful heart is full of praise, which ushers us into His presence. 

 A thankful heart blesses the Father’s heart. 

 A thankful heart is a soft, pliable heart that God can mold to
His image. 

 A thankful heart is a joyous heart that strengthens us spiritually. 

 A thankful heart remembers His faithfulness in the past 

thereby feeding our faith to trust Him for our future. 

 A thankful heart will be a good steward of blessings. 

Dear Child,
If you appreciated all My blessings in your life, your heart would overflow with joy! Giving thanks causes you to be reminded of what you are thankful for and this gives you a fresh appreciation. If you are thankful for My blessings, you will enjoy them, if you take them for granted they will not give you joy, for they will be put on the shelf for another day like a discarded gift. Enjoy life, it’s My greatest gift, when you enjoy life you have a thankful heart, and a thankful heart is pleasing in My sight.
Thus saith Papa. 

CHALLENGE: Have the moths of discontentment, complaining and lack of appreciation eaten away holes in your garment of praise, leaving it thread bare, and robbing your life of joy?

Read more on my chapter on gratitude in “DEVELOPING A SECRET HISTORY WITH GOD”



Want To Be Happier?

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Hebrews 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have. 

“We are not made happy by what we acquire but by what we appreciate. A survey reveals that we usually take for granted 80% of the blessings in our lives, therefore we are only 20% as happy as we could be! Consequently the degree to which we are thankful determines our happiness.”

Read more from page 145 “Developing A Secret History With God”

Available Barnes &Noble / Amazon or a bookstore near you.


Contentment – Priceless!


 1 Timothy 6:8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.

What is Hidden Manna ?

As we continue our cell group study of “DEVELOPING A SECRET HISTORY WITH GOD”
This week we will be discussing “Hidden Manna”

If you wish to join us call 201-602-7979 for information
We meet each Wednesday evening at 7 pmHope to see you and discuss this week’s topic with you personallyBe inspired as you watch the video