He Has a Reason for this Season of Your Life!

Dear Father,

While admiring the beauty of the work of your hands, as I see the hills and mountains ablaze with vibrant shades of yellow, orange and red, and marvel at the fruitful harvest from your faithful provision, I am amazed, for surely all this declares your majesty and awesomeness! 

As I reflect, I have to question who am I that you would be concerned with me? I will never fathom Your love and mercy and yet I believe it with all my heart.

Oh, Papa, may my life declare your majesty and faithfulness as much as the creation of nature echoes your awesomeness!

Dear Child,

Creation just naturally fulfills the purpose it was created for. It doesn’t strive to do anything else! It never doubts My sovereignty but without effort awaits each season, knowing each season has a unique purpose.

But I cannot commune with nature, I cannot fellowship with nature. Only man was created in My image, to fellowship and commune with Me!

All of this beauty was created for man! And man was created to relate to Me!

As you commune and fellowship with Me, your life is declaring My majesty and mercy, for by faith in My mercy, you are trusting My sovereignty and majesty! You are a vessel to display that majesty and mercy, but you must allow Me to fill the vessel daily or you will run dry.

                                                             Thus saith Papa

Psalm 8:3 -4 / Isaiah 64:8 / Jeremiah / 18:2-4

Just as creation brings glory to His name by simply fulfilling its purpose, even so, as we fellowship with and wait on the Lord, we are fulfilling that for which He created us. He created us to fellowship with Him!

CHALLENGE: Are you making that journey each day to the Potter’s house, are you yielding as He molds you season to season, that your life might display, not only the signature of the Creator, but also His majesty and faithfulness.

 Remember He has a reason for this season of your life!

For more on this topic see my book “Developing a Secret History with God”

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Walking with a spiritual limp?

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If you are, you can rejoice, for you have found favor with God.

It has been said “Don’t trust a person who walks without a spiritual limp” for they have not had a defeat in the flesh as they wrestled with the Spirit of God.

To gain a victory in the spirit we must have a defeat in the flesh. In the physical realm we may think we have lost, but in the reality of the spirit realm we have won a great victory by surrendering to the spirit.

In Genesis 32 We read of Jacob’s wrestle with God. Jacob surrenders after God touches the hallow of his thigh. Now this may have looked like a defeat in the physical realm but God declares in Genesis 32:28 “thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed “.

So in losing in the flesh, Jacob actually won in the spiritual realm. 

Genesis 32: 24-28 And a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day. When the Man saw that He did not prevail against Jacob, He touched his hip socket, and Jacob’s hip was put out of joint as he wrestled with Him. Then He said, “Let me go, for the day has broken.” But Jacob said, “I will not let You go unless you bless me.” And He said to him, “What is your name?” And he said, “Jacob.” Then He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed.”

CHALLENGE: In what area of your life do you need to surrender to God in order to gain a spiritual victory?


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The Oxymoron of being A “Living Sacrifice”


Dear Papa,

Help me to understand “laying down my all” on the altar, that I may walk in Your power and might. As I offer my life as a living sacrifice, I want it to be holy and acceptable to You, that the fire from heaven may fall, for only then will I know that my sacrifice is acceptable to You. Help me that it might be a sweet savor to You, Papa.

Dear Child,

Sacrifice has cost! Something must die! Self must die! The flesh must die!

Present your whole being on the altar and My fire will consume that which is of the old man, and that living sacrifice which remains will burn with power but not be consumed and will be a sweet savor to Me.

A living sacrifice doesn’t have to stay on the altar, as My Son didn’t have to stay on the cross, except by cords of love!

When you present yourself as a living sacrifice, it is only the motivation of love for Me that will keep you there. Regrets and ‘should haves’ will not secure you there. Good intentions will only slack the cords of love! Disobedience will break the cords of love!

Only obedience will keep you secure in My presence, and will be a sweet savor.

If you love me keep my commandments.

Obedience born out of love for Me is a sweet savor!

Obedience to Me will nourish the spirit and starve the flesh. Lose your soul life that you may have everlasting life in the spirit.  

                                                 Thus saith Papa

Rom 12:1  I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

He was a willing sacrifice as He hung on the cross, He could have come down from the cross and saved Himself! Likewise, when we present ourselves as a living sacrifice, we could crawl off the altar, only a dead sacrifice doesn’t have a choice! A living sacrifice must be a WILLING sacrifice! A dead sacrifice has no choice!

As I reflected on the oxymoron of the words “living sacrifice” the Lord impressed the words of the following prayer on my heart. I pray these words will be your prayer. 

CHALLENGE: Pray this prayer as a yielded vessel:

                              “ A living sacrifice,

                                Dying to self and alive to You.

                                In losing my life, I find it.

                                In dying I live,

                                A living sacrifice.

                                Consume that which is not of You

                                That You may fill me with that which is of You.

                                Salt the sacrifice

                                That I may thirst for more of You.” 

Excerpt from my book “Developing a Secret History with God” Page 80-85

Available from Amazon/ Barnes&Noble/ Kindle/ Nook/ Ibooks/ Lulu or a bookstore near you.

A Legacy Lives On

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Rev. Dr. Charles Reynolds O. B. E.  who was my uncle, invested his life in ministry in India. He and his wife, Maud, spend two missionary terms in the remote forest villages of India. He served as Executive Director of Ludhiana Christian Medical College in the Punjab for many years raising millions of dollars for the college, spent time with Mother Teresa, Mrs. Ghandi and the Dalia Lama, sponsored and opened schools, churches,  and medical facilities. He also penned several books about India. In 1995 my uncle was awarded The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by the Queen for his many years of service to India and in 1998 he was honored with the award of a “Talwar” the Sword of Honor, by the citizens of Ludhiana for his forty years of dedication.

Now many years later I recently met Pastor Fredrick Anthuraj who ministers in Bangalore and is the Director of Aid 2 India International. He has invited John and myself to minister there in the coming year. Pastor Fredrick will also be working on translating my book “Developing a Secret History with God” into his native language. 

Thanking God for the open door to invest part of my life in my uncles’ legacy in India.Screen Shot 2015-10-12 at 3.15.17 PM

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Mark 16:15 Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.




Is Your Heart on Fire for God?


Dear Child,

You praise Me not only through song but you praise Me everyday through your life by your words, your thoughts, your attitudes and your actions.

A heart of gratitude is a praising heart

A heart of humility is a worshipping heart

A heart of holiness is a regenerated heart

A heart that surrenders to My will is a trusting heart.

Thus saith Papa

Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me. Isaiah: 29:13

CHALLENGE: Is your everyday life only lukewarm or is it on fire for Him?

See Chapter Nine in “Developing a Secret History with God” to inspire you as you press into His presence with a heart full of praise.

Book available on Amazon/ Barnes&Noble/ Walmart/Lulu/ itunes/ Kindle/ Nook/http wwwclfrance.com/ W.H. Smith UK/or a bookstore near you.


Languages: English/ French