Dear Father,
Help me understand my place as a woman in your church and your Kingdom?
Dear Child,
I did not invest gifts in you to lay dormant, but to be used wisely to increase my Kingdom. Be faithful, keep working while it is day.
What return will you give me on that day, on the talents I placed in you? Only those things done for my Kingdom out of a pure heart of gold, with no self motivation will not burn as hay and stubble but will be pure gold! Self that day will burn up, for self must be destroyed for it is the seat of pride, and my Kingdom is built on humility and servitude.
What will you say on that day? I was a woman and hid my talent!
There is much, as a woman, that you can achieve as my daughter, that a son may not be able to do. You are not only a woman, you are a unique creation. Encourage other women to seek out their uniqueness, and fulfill their purpose.
I am not asking you to be a man, only a bold woman. I knew you would be a woman when I created you. Let your potential flow through the vessel that I created. Be yourself, only then are you real, only then will others see your vulnerability, and know that it is My Holy Spirit working through you. When others see your vulnerability, they see your heart, and when they see your heart they see Me, for I dwell in your heart. Open your heart that they may see my love flowing from a heart of gold.
Bring glory to my name, by faithfulness and obedience. My child, you are called by my name, bring honor and glory to that name.
Thus saith Papa
Acts 2:18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Challenge: You don’t have to loose your femininity and sensitivity to be a bold vessel. Just be yourself!