Conflicts are Lessons in the School Room of Life


Dear Child,

A deep relationship is not the result of a relationship without problems or offenses, but is a relationship which overcomes problems and offenses, and matures because your spiritual muscles are being exercised as you respond to one another.

The working out of problems causes the roots to grow deeper together and your history with the other person grows deeper and less shallow.

You exercise your spiritual muscles by obedience to the Word and the Spirit.

Work out those lessons I am giving you as an opportunity to learn as you fellowship with others.                                                    Thus saith Papa

Prov 27:17  Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

My daughter, Angela, has written a thought on this subject, which I think is very appropriate at this point. Angela writes, ‘ We have gotten to the point in our society where all relationships are disposable ( whether it be personal, work, family, or church ). Whenever a situation arises that we don’t like or doesn’t happen to meet our expectations we choose to “opt out” of the relationship. The consequences of this choice is devastating to our families, churches and communities. We have seemed to have lost the ability or desire to work through problems – confronting wrongs, admitting our own faults, covering each other in love; it appears to take too much energy. It is much easier to close the pages of one relationship and open the new and exciting pages of another one. The saddest result of this situation is the disappearing of depth in our society. When we choose to cut off relationships we also cut off the root of history we developed during the years of that relationship. We are left with shallow and superficial relationships that leave us yearning for a depth of intimacy we never seem able to attain.

Eph 4:32  And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.

Col 3:13  Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

Our relationships with each other, are living lessons, “where the rubber meets the road” opportunities to put our words into action. Situations where we may be conformed to His image, that we may not only talk like Jesus but also walk like Jesus.

CHALLENGE: How can we learn to forgive if we never have the opportunity to forgive?

                             How can we be conformed to His Image without learning to forgive?

Excerpt “Developing A Secret History with God” page 102

Book and Study Guide available on Amazon/ Barnes&Noble/ Lulu/ itunes/ Kindle/ Nook/http Rhema Publication or a bookstore near you.

Languages: English/ French


Invest in the Becoming and the Doing will Glorify God

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Dear Child,

Through everyday life I am teaching you!

Living, breathing, and responding to everyday life produces maturity that will bear fruit!

Through maturity you are BECOMING!

Through fruit bearing you are producing seed!


Through gifting you are DOING!

You have to grow from everyday life to have the maturity to use the gifting.

 I need the balance of fruit and gifting.

I need the balance of BECOMING and DOING.

Without the tests of living, your gifting would lack the flame of passion and conviction, which only comes from character building as your life ripens to the fruit of the spirit.

The seeds you are sowing through your gifting are from the fruit and maturity of your life which is the BECOMING

The using of your gifts is the sowing of those seeds which is the DOING.

Do you see, child, the balance!

Both are needed. I do not want only the gifting, I want the gifting used through your living, the defeats, victories, joys, sorrows, up and downs, testings, questions of life, and the wisdom gained through your time spent with Me.

                                       Thus saith Papa

God commanded that the edge of the robe of the High Priest of Israel would be embroidered with pomegranates. In between the pomegranates were to be sown gold bells. This serves as a typology lesson for us:

The pomegranates speak of the fruit of the spirit which is the BECOMING.

The golden bells speak of the gifts of the spirits which is the DOING.

The placement speaks to us of balance between the fruit and the gifts.

Both were needed but not without balance. Each bell was separated by a pomegranate.  What a clanging noise the bells would have made if not separated by the pomegranates. Does not this remind us of Paul’s exhortation in : 1 Corinthians 13:1-2 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

In other words, because the gifts can be misused, abused or even faked, they are not a sign of spiritual maturity. Only the fruit of the spirit is evidence of maturity of character. That is why Jesus warns in Matthew 7:20-23  Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Therefore gifts are not a sign of maturity! If we desire to grow up in the faith, our character must  ripen to the maturity of the fruit of the spirit. 

If we are to hear Matthew 25:21 Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord., we must be consistently growing in the character of righteousness, that we may faithfully use our gifting in authenticity and integrity for His Kingdom.

CHALLENGE: Is your spiritual life all outward show with no inner substance?

                             Is it all DOING and no BECOMING?

                             Invest in the BECOMING and the DOING will glorify God.

Excerpt from “Developing a Secret History with God” for further study see pages 35-36

Book and Study Guide available on Amazon/ Barnes&Noble/ Lulu/ itunes/ Kindle/ Nook/http Rhema Publication or a bookstore near you.
Languages: English/ French

The Prison of Condemnation


Dear Child,

If you adhere to my chastisement  through conviction there will be no avenue or foothold for the enemy to drown you in condemnation and rob you of the joy of your salvation. Do not give place to him, for he goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and destroy.

Conviction is the voice of the conscience by the Holy Spirit.

Condemnation is self destructive thoughts of the mind from the enemy.

Conviction is a warning that provides a choice and healing.

Condemnation offers only hopelessness with no healing but  rather an incurableness.

There is hope in Christ Jesus!

There is healing in Christ Jesus!

There is forgiveness in Christ Jesus!

There is mercy in Christ Jesus!

He came into the world NOT to condemn it but to save it.

I send conviction because I love you!

The enemy sows condemnation because he wants to destroy you!

Conviction will mature you!

Condemnation will destroy you!

Thus saith Papa

John 3:17  For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Romans 8:1  There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Challenge: If your conscience is clear before God, do not let the enemy rob you of the joy of your salvation. If there is outstanding offense on your conscience, confess it to God, that the enemy may not have a hold over you.

“Developing a Secret History with God” see page 67

Book and Study Guide available on Amazon/ Barnes&Noble/ Lulu/ itunes/ Kindle/ Nook/http Rhema Publication or a bookstore near you.

Languages: English/ French


Study Guide “Developing a Secret History with God”


My inspiring book “Developing a Secret History with God” reveals truth regarding an intimate relationship with Christ. Now we have an accompanying Study Guide that will help apply these truths to our lives by learning to:

  • Overcome the struggles that rob us of intimacy with God
  • Remove the mystery of hearing God
  • Develop a listening ear
  • Maintain our spiritual root structure.

The Study Guide for “Developing a Secret History with God” will not only inspire you and equip you to “Develop your own Secret History with God” by removing the mystery about hearing God, but will also give you practical tips to help you on your journey into His Presence, giving you the opportunity to put all you have learned into practice.

CHALLENGE: What better time than the New Year to consider the following :-

Are you willing this year to make a commitment between you and God to daily go down to the Potter’s house where you will hear His voice?

Signed this day —————————————————————————————

Yes, I will arise, and go down to the Potter’s house, and there He will cause me to hear His words. (Jeremiah 18:2).

If you like this challenge please SHARE IT.

The Study Guide is suitable for individual or group study


Book and Study Guide available on Amazon/ Barnes&Noble/ Lulu/ itunes/ Kindle/ Nook/http Rhema Publication or a bookstore near you.

Languages: English/ French

Walking by Faith in Your Wintery Season


At this season of the year when the earth is blanketed in snow and ice, I am amazed as I consider the ugly  tulip and daffodil bulbs that are frozen under the soil which will soon sprout and bear beautiful flowers of hope as the earth is rejuvenated during spring time. And even in the dead of winter when shivering hope appears to be frozen God gives a glimmer of hope as the snowdrops pop their heads bravely through the fallen snow. Oh the joy of seeing that first fragile yet hardy snowdrop – what a wonderful window to our souls of His desire to feed our faith to believe for brighter days. I thank God for His faithfulness in the seasons and look forward in faith to the spring.

Dear Child,

I am also faithful in the seasons of your life! Each season has its own unique beauty and purpose, the same is true with the seasons of your life. The same is true in the ministry of your life.

A time to believe in naked faith, a time to sow, a time to water and tend the potential harvest, and then a time of reward and reaping! The winter season is a time of hidden dormancy on the surface, but oh! under the surface what preparation is going on to burst to life in the spring! Be prepared for the spring! child.

Every season of your life has its own winter of faith, planting time in spring, watering time in summer, and reaping time in the fall. But this winter time of dormancy and darkness without any fruit, is when you must walk by faith and trust my hand to be working in My sovereignty under the surface, to bring beauty to your life in the spring!

You trust me with the seasons of the earth, trust me with the seasons of your life!

                                                              Thus saith Papa

Ecclesiastes 3:1  To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

WINTER — The Season of FAITH

SPRING  — The Season of HOPE

SUMMER —The Season of LABOR


CHALLENGE: If you are in the season of a fruitless winter, in faith hold unto hope, don’t give up, spring is on its way, for He is faithful!