Saint Patrick – Truth or Legend



Since I was born in Aberdeen, Scotland and raised in Belfast, Northern Ireland, I had a personal interest to dig out some of the truths surrounding the man who brought the gospel to Ireland. The real Patrick has almost been lost under an avalanche of myth, legend and folklore.

Did you know that Patrick was not an Irishman?

His parents were Britons and Patrick was born near Dumbarton on the river Clyde in Scotland.

Did you know that he is not even a Saint?

At least not in the technical sense of the Roman Catholic Church, because he was never officially canonized. According to the encyclopedia Patrick “ passes as a saint merely by popular approval”.

Did you know that Patrick is claimed by Catholics and Protestants?

All we can say, whatever his affiliation, he was an evangelical preacher. Patrick is often said to be a man of One Book! He never appeals to the authority of any creed, ecclesiastical leader or council, but in his writings, few as they are, he quotes from 113 scriptures. It has been commented that from his constant emphasis on the Bible, that Patrick sounded like a 5th century Billy Graham, “ The Bible says, the Bible says.”

Did you know that Patrick ranks with the greatest missionaries that ever lived?

Perhaps second only to Paul of Tarsus (Raymond Edmoan, Moody Monthly magazine)

Did you know why the shamrock is so important to the Irish?

Patrick plucked a shamrock from where it was growing in abundance on the Irish mountainside, and used it as a lesson to teach his converts the mystery of the trinity.

From his early confession we learn that, at the age of sixteen, he was captured by a band of Irish pirates, who sold him as a slave to a Druid chieftain in Northern Ireland. Until his captivity Patrick had no real experience of God or salvation even though he had been raised in a Christian home, where his grandfather was a minister of the gospel. Here are his own words, “I was sixteen and knew not the true God, but in a strange land the Lord opened my unbelieving eyes and I was converted.” He realized that God in His mercy had allowed his captivity to take place so as to lead him to a new and better life. With the sufferings of exile had come the understanding of salvation. Finally after six years he escaped and returned to his family in Scotland. Something wonderful had happened to Patrick, he did not hate the Irish, but instead he had love for them.

He had seen the Druids in Ireland controlling the people, encouraging them to worship sacred trees, stones and even the sun itself. The Lord spoke to Patrick in a dream in which he heard, “ The voice of the Irish…We beg you, Holy boy, come and walk among us again.” He began to prepare to return to Ireland even though his family tried to persuade him not to.

In the year 432, Patrick returned to Ireland again, as a result of his obedience to the voice of God. From the 5th. to the 8th. century thousands had turned to Christ. Ireland became one of the great centers of Christianity in the world, not only of Christian holiness and virtue, but also of education because of monasteries all over the country. Thus Ireland has been named, “ The land of Saints and Scholars”.

The heathen Druid chieftain, whom he was sold to, became his first convert. His name was Dichu, and he offered Patrick, the pick of his land for the site of Patrick’s first church, situated high on the mountains of County Down, from where Patrick could see much of Ireland spread out before him. It was from here that Patrick carried out the great commission for the next thirty years of his life, where the influence of his ministry expanded to the mainland of Scotland, England and Wales and even much of Europe. Here he died and was buried on March 17th. 462 AD. Today you can still visit that first little church, even though 1500 years have passed since Patrick ministered there. The visitor can also visit his burial place on the grounds of the Protestant Cathedral of Downpatrick in County Down.

Let’s celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day by praying for the country that Patrick loved so much.

The Law of Multiplication for His Kingdom.

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Dear Father

I pray today that the seed which you have placed in me will grow to fruition in my life, and that the seed will multiply as my life bears the fruit of the spirit that I may have seeds to give life to others.

Others cannot be influenced by or see the seed, but they can see the fruit. Help me, this day to walk and grow in a way that others may see your life in me.

Dear Child,

You cannot sow seed in others’ lives if there is no fruit in your life. The law of the universe is to bear seed after its own kind. If there is life in a seed, it will grow, blossom and bear fruit, which is filled with seeds after its own kind.  

There is resurrection life in the seed which I have planted in you, yield that it might grow, blossom and bear fruit, that you may have spiritual seeds to give to others.

                                                Thus saith Papa

A seed that does not germinate, grow and bear fruit will remain only one seed. But if the seed which God planted in our lives does germinate, grow and mature to the fruit of the spirit we will have abundant seeds to sow into other’s lives which is the law of multiplication for His Kingdom. 

Genesis 1:11-12  And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

CHALLENGE: What seeds are you sowing into the lives of others by your words and actions?


He is Still Lord over the Storms

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Dear Child,

Be My instrument of peace in a world  full of uncertainty and turmoil. In all you are doing and facing know My peace. Sow seeds of peace, My peace that the world doesn’t know.

If you are truly confident in My working in your life, you will rest in My peace. Know My peace not only in the stillness of the moment, know My peace also in the pressures and storms of life. I am not only Lord of the stilled  waves, I am also Lord of the storms. Ride the storms of life wrapped in My peace, confident in your relationship to Me and confident in Who I am.

                                                        Thus saith Papa


John 14:27  Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Mark 4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

Amidst the current uncertainty and turmoil of our world we must remember that our Savior is also the Lord over those storms. Even as He spoke in Mark 4:39, He  still speaks peace to our hearts in the midst of the storms that are brewing in the seas of our lives and our world.

As believers today, we MUST spend even more time with our heavenly Papa to grow in confidence of our relationship with Him that we may have seeds of peace to sow into the lives of others who are filled with anxiety and fear.

CHALLENGE: Be an instrument to take His  peace and assurance to those who are being swept under by the storms of life.

“Developing a Secret History with God” will inspire you to spend more time in prayer and deepen your relationship with your Heavenly Papa.

The Book and accompanying Study Guide will revolutionize your quiet time with God. Available now at Amazon/ Barnes & Noble/ Walmart/Kindle Nook / Ibooks/ Lulu/ Rhema Publications/ Cl France or a bookstore near you.


Adversities will Stretch those Spiritual Muscles

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Dear Child,

Adversities are the lessons of life, that exercise your spiritual muscles and make you healthy and strong. The more battles you fight, the more victories you will win!

Battles fought in the mind will eventually effect the physical, if not won in the battlefield of the mind, so bring every thought into the captivity of Christ.

Child, you are body, soul and spirit, be a good steward of each.

Exercise your body muscles and be strong physically!

Exercise your mind and be strong in your convictions!

Exercise your spiritual muscles and stand strong against the powers of darkness!

                                                       Thus saith Papa


In the PHYSICAL realm you must have a resistance program if you want healthy, strong muscles. Without resistance, strength cannot be produced.

In the MENTAL realm we must resist in the battlefield of the mind and bring every thought into the captivity of Christ. Only then will we have strong Godly convictions.

2 Corinthians.10:4-5 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

In the SPIRITUAL realm we also have a resistance program against the enemy of our souls. When we submit ourselves to God, we will have the power to resist the devil, which will result in strong, healthy spiritual muscles.

James 4:7  Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

1 Peter.5:8-10 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

CHALLENGE: Do you feel defeated when you try to resist the devil, because you haven’t first warmed up your spiritual muscles by submitting the situation to God?

An Agent of His Grace

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Dear Father,

As I reflect this day on your great mercy and grace towards me, I ask that you will help me grow in grace and mercy towards others. Help me to be truly “charismatic” which means gracious, merciful and forgiving. Thank you for Your work in my heart today.

Dear Child,

To grow in grace means to grow to be merciful and have a forgiving spirit, even as I have a forgiving spirit.

To grow in My grace and be conformed to My Image, you must have a forgiving spirit.

An unforgiving spirit is of your old father of lies.

If you learn of Me you will be forgiving by putting on the mind of Christ who cried, “Forgive them for they know not what they do!”

When you are forgiving you are putting Me on!

When you refuse to let go, you are holding unto the old man.

                                                            Thus saith Papa


Mattthew 18:32  Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me: Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee?

2 Peter 3:18  But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Often we grow in knowledge but lack growth in grace! We need grace to work out that knowledge in everyday life. If we lack the grace to forgive we need to humble ourselves before God for as the scripture says James 4:6  But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

Gain grace from God that you may be able to let others’ debts go!

Forgiveness is not denial but dealing with it as far as is within your power. It takes two to reconcile but that may not be within your control BUT remember it only takes one to forgive and that is a choice that is within your control.


CHALLENGE: Ask the Holy Spirit to search the hidden recesses of your heart today, for perhaps a neglected opportunity to grow in grace by forgiving a buried hurt or offense.