A Thought Provoking Meditation for Holy Week


Becoming a believer will cost you nothing but becoming a mature disciple may cost you everything, since whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:27. There is no painless path to maturity, the flesh must be crucified by daily taking up the cross. 

We will never learn obedience without daily taking up our cross. 

We will never mature without obedience. 

We will never be conformed to His image without maturity.

Excerpt from “Developing A Secret History With God” page 187

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Spiritual Palm Branches

The palm branches bent in worship as they were laid before Him on His way into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Today may we all offer spiritual palm branches as our hearts bend in surrender and obedience as they are laid before Him as we cry out Hosanna in worship from our hearts on our pilgrim way to the heavenly Jerusalem.


Luke 6:46 “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you”.

Isaiah 29:13 This people draw near with their mouth and honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me.

Devoted Sisters of the Same Heavenly Father

We appreciate even more the wonderful large spiritual family we belong to as we invest time with our spiritual siblings of all cultures and background.

Spending a day with my sister Geraldine at the Macy Flower Show at Herald Square New York.

Just the camera couldn’t do justice or capture the beauty of the abundance of the floral decorations even so the camera couldn’t do justice to the beauty of our friendship!


Reach out to some of your spiritual siblings today and be a blessing and be blessed!


I am Hanging on a Branch Of the True Vine

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Dear Father,

Protect me from myself, that is my own self-confidence, for in the day of trial it will fail me.

Protect me with a confidence that only comes from my total trust and dependence on You, and my relationship to You, because of Your mercy and grace paid for by the precious blood of the spotless Lamb of God.

Help me in my daily walk, that I will not deny your presence in my life by my actions and words before the world.

Help me realize more and more that time spent with You is not a nonproductive activity but rather my very life line to the power to live for You!

Dear Child,

Draw near more and more, that I may teach you, that I may feed you manna from heaven and the water that will give you eternal life, and will refresh you daily during your pilgrim walk.

It is easy not to deny Me while in My presence in the *Holy Place, the test is when you leave to walk in the* Outer Court, where you mix with the world. It was before sinners that Peter denied Me! Walk in the *Outer Court in the strength which I will impart to you in the *Holy Place, not in your own strength and self-confidence. Self will fail you! For self must die!

Many worship Me in church but the test comes when they leave My house! It is not how high you jump before Me, but how straight you walk in the *Outer Court. Many swear their love for Me in My presence, but when the test comes in the *Outer Court, they deny Me by their actions and words!

Lean on Me and allow self to die! That I might rule and guide you in your walk!

Have confidence in who “I AM”.

                                           Thus saith Papa

John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

Zechariah 4:6  Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.

Challenge: Are you battling in the spiritual realm, clothed only in the armor of self confidence in your own fleshly will-power, or are you totally relying on and yielding to the power of the indwelling Spirit?

*The Holy Place is a type of the church where priests would draw near to minister to God.

*The Outer Court is a type of the world where the priests would minister to others.

Page 153 excerpt from “Developing a Secret History with God”

This Book and accompanying Study Guide will revolutionize your quiet time with God. Available now at Amazon/ Barnes & Noble/ Walmart/Kindle Nook / Ibooks/ Lulu/ Rhema Publications/ Cl France or a bookstore near you.


A Devotion for Palm Sunday


As we celebrate this coming Palm Sunday, as Jewish congregations prepare to celebrate Passover, may the Old Testament types add to the dimension of our faith and understanding of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.

Having just returned from Jerusalem I stood in awe at the Eastern Gate knowing this was the gate that Jesus entered on Palm Sunday as it was the gate closest to the Outer Court of the temple.

Consider for a moment that on that same day thousands of lambs were being ushered into Jerusalem through the same Eastern gate, also known as the Golden Gate, as Our Passover Lamb. But I wonder how many who were enthusiastically waving palms, saw with spiritual eyes the Lamb of God among all the other lambs, the sacrifical Lamb who would take away the sin of the world, 

The lambs were being brought into Jerusalem five days prior to Passover, to be examined by the priests. They were to be examined for blemishes or disfigurement, as only perfect lambs were found worthy to be sacrificed for the sins of the people. It is interesting to note that the priest did not examine the sinner who brought the sacrifice, rather the priest looked to see if the sacrificial substitute was worthy.

Likewise Our Lamb was brought into the city five days prior to Passover, to also be examined. He was brought before Pontius Pilate, Herod, Annas and Ciaphas, the high priests, and the ultimate judgement was made by Pilate when he declared, “I find no fault in Him.” Praise God for our Lamb who was found worthy to be sacrificed for our sins.

As we worship this coming Sunday let us with a loud voice declare with the heavens

“Worthy is the Lamb that was slain!” Rev. 5:12