Dear Child,
It is a higher calling to minister unto to me ! than to minister unto the world! It requires much more dedication, more sacrifice and more separation from the world. You must leave the ¹Outer Court to minister to me, at the ³Candlestick the place of anointing, at the ³Table of Shewbread the place of fellowship with me, and at the ³Golden Altar the place to offer your sacrifice of praise!
Then when you leave the ²Holy Place to be a witness in the ¹Outer Court, you take with you my anointing, my fellowship and the fragrance of your sacrifice of praise!
You are now redeeming your time by spending it with me, because now your ministry to the world will be so much more fruitful. You know my heart by fellowshipping with me, and are now working in the world where you see me working. Be the hands and feet of my workings. Working in the world without knowing where I am working is working in the flesh and will cause sweat and will not bear fruit that is everlasting. Sow seed only where you see me plow the ground and then it will take root and grow.
The more time you spend with me in secret, the more the anointing, discernment of my will and fragrance there will be from your life! Many work in the ¹Outer Court to be seen of man and for the praise of man, instead of just to please me. When the praise of man and approval of man doesn’t come, they become burned out, but they that wait upon and serve me and do it as only unto me, shall renew their strength, for their joy is full, because they rejoice in pleasing me.
Burn out also comes where man, not discerning my heart for they haven’t spent time with me, try to sow seed where I have not plowed and prepared hearts, by drawing them unto me! Child, know my heart, work only where I am working, work only the fields I send you to.
Thus Saith Papa
¹The Outer Court of the Tabernacle is a type of the world where we minister to others.
²The Holy Place is a type of the church where we minister to the Lord.
³The Candlestick, Table of Shewbread and Altar of Incense were the pieces of furniture in the Holy Place where the believer ministers unto the Lord.
Col. 3:23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
Eph. 6:6-7 Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men:
CHALLENGE: If all our labor is out of a desire to please God who is our Audience of One, that desire will be the guard of the motivation of our hearts. Take a moment to reflect on the source of your motivation.
For further study see Chapter Two “Intimacy through the tabernacle” in my book “Developing a Secret History with God”
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