There is a Time and a Season for Everything

IMG_0166Dear Father,

May I never cease to praise You for the works of Your hand, as I look at my garden in the autumn how it manifests not only Your glory but also Your faithfulness in the seasons of the earth.

Oh, Papa, as I place my life, body, soul and spirit in Your hands, the hands of the great Husbandman, may the garden of my life  also bring glory to Your name and display Your faithfulness in the changing seasons of my life.

Everything in my garden has a unique purpose, and therein lies the beauty and the glory for everything in my garden, that it fulfills its unique purpose in Your timing. All so different and yet all so beautiful.

Papa may I also bloom in my uniqueness in Your timing.

Dear Child,

Therein lies the glory that you bloom in your uniqueness, for then you are fulfilling the purpose of your creation.  

Watered from heaven, nourished by the Word, faithfully tend the garden of your life that the cares of this world and weeds of discouragement do not strangle and choke the potential bloom.

This bloom in all its beauty will bring glory to My name and testify of My faithfulness, just as your horticultural garden does.

                                                   Thus saith My Faithful Papa

Revelation 4:11  Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

 Ephesians 2:10  For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

CHALLENGE: You may be facing rare seasons that others have not had to face, but these seasons will bring uniqueness to the potential bloom and harvest of your life. So don’t labor or strive to bloom in someone else’s potential, but rather bring glory to His name by resting in His faithfulness as the unique flower He created you to be.

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