Sights to See and Beautiful People to Meet


Monday morning found us getting used to the hectic crowded traffic on our way to share at a prayer meeting at the bishop’s church in downtown Bangalore. There were interesting sights everywhere we looked from trucks ladened with fresh produce from the farms, to some trucks just ladened with people! In the middle of all the activity a lone woman washing her clothes by beating them on a stone step as cows meander through the traffic.

How inspiring and humbling to minister to these faithful prayer warriors. I was so uplifted by their prayers for us as John and I prayed for them.

In the afternoon we took a cab to a local shopping mall to enjoy a cappuccino before preparing for an evening service in a different part of the city. A local church had invited us to a celebration for the pastor’s son’s first birthday. This is a popular tradition in India. The pastor asked us to come back and minister again on Easter Sunday but we will be in Coimbatore ministering at Pastor Harry Gomes’ church. We left with new friends and an invitation to minister again in their church the next time we are in India.

Tomorrow will be a day to catch up with friends on the internet, rest and pack as we leave early Wednesday morning for a five  hour drive to Coimbatore and new divine appointments and experiences.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;
and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him,
and he shall direct thy paths.
















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