The Spark Of Romance

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This month I am sharing some wisdom we can sow into others’ relationships from the lessons we have learned during our 52 years of marriage. I have already shared how intimate communication is essential to a meaningful marriage.

1. Always keep the lines of communication open and meaningful.

Now today I want to stress the importance of:-

2. Keep the spark of romance alive. 

It has been said, and rightly so, that “the couple who prays together stays together”, but may I also add to that “the couple who dances together stays together” I think it may be the fact that you are doing something together where you are actually holding each other, so perhaps it is the romance and the touching. A great Valentine movie to get you motivated is “Shall We Dance”.
Just do SOMETHING romantic together!
John Eldredge explains it better in his book “Love and War” Page 176
John writes “ I was eavesdropping on a conversation between two couples, both empty nesters about what it’s like when the kids are gone:
One of the couples said ‘It’s wonderful! We have more time for Bible Study.’ Bible Study? ! Are you crazy?
The other couple said. ‘We get to walk around the house naked and make love whenever we want!’ One of these couples is far closer to Eden than the other, and it ain’t the one with the concordance on the nightstand!”

One of the most romantic things John and I ever did together was flying to Paris for dinner after John’s retirement. Now you don’t have to be so extravagant to be romantic.
During the summer we will often just have a romantic dance around our patio.
Remember it’s not what you spend or where you go but rather who you are with.Screen Shot 2016-02-07 at 11.42.08 PM

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  1. Be Friends says:

    […] 2. Keep the romance alive […]

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