In July 1964 we spent our honeymoon at the seaside town of Great Yarmouth England and here we are 51 years later 3000 miles away celebrated the anniversary of our wedding in the seaside town of Ocean Grove New Jersey.
A lot of living, traveling and experiences in between to say the least!
While in Ocean Grove we attended a Kenny Roger’s concert where he sang a song to cover it all. “Through the Years” In fact it was the song we used last year at our 50th celebration party.
I can’t remember when you weren’t there
When I didn’t care for anyone but you
I swear we’ve been through everything there is
Can’t imagine anything we’ve missed
Can’t imagine anything the two of us can’t do
Through the years
You’ve never let me down
You turned my life around
The sweetest days I’ve found
I’ve found with you
Through the years
I’ve never been afraid
I’ve loved the life we’ve made
And I’m so glad I’ve stayed
Right here with you
Through the years
Through the years
When everything went wrong
Together we were strong
I know that I belonged
Right here with you
Through the years
I never had a doubt
We’d always work things out
I’ve learned what love’s about
By loving you
Through the years
Truly a WEDDING is only an experience for a DAY
A MARRIAGE is an experience for a LIFETIME
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