The Cross is My Statue of Liberty


There is no better song than the one penned by our personal friend, Neil Enloe of the Couriers, to celebrate the 4th.July which reminds us not only of  National freedom but also Spiritual freedom.

In New York Harbor stands a lady, With a torch raised to the sky;

And all who see her know she stands for Liberty for you and me.

I am proud to be called an American, To be named with the brave and the free;

I will honor our flag and our trust in God And the Statue of Liberty

On lonely Golgotha stood a cross, With my Lord raised to the sky;

And all who kneel there live forever As all the saved can testify.

I am so glad to called a Christian, To be named with the ransomed and whole:

As the statue liberates the citizen, So the cross liberates the soul.

Oh the cross is my Statue of Liberty, It was there that my soul was set free:

Unashamed I’ll proclaim that old rugged cross Is my Statue of Liberty!


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