Celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation


On October 31,1517, a German monk named Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of Wittenberg Church. These 95 Theses expressed his concerns over corruption found in the Catholic church. One of his primary concerns was the church selling “indulgences” to people in order to release them from having to serve penitence for their sins. An act which he considered to be people trying to buy their way into heaven. He held that salvation came by grace through faith alone, not by good works or payment.

This act opened up a debate with religious scholars of the time that eventually lead to the Protestant Reformation. On the 500th anniversary of his act of conscientious defiance, it is important to review how that moment changed the world religiously, economically, politically, socially, and intellectually. The upheaval stretched into every fabric of society, exceeding anything Martin Luther could anticipate. So widespread of an effect proclaims God’s hand was involved.

Although the Reformation of Christianity began a half-millennium ago, it has not completed its destiny.

Although the Reformation of Christianity began a half-millennium ago, it has not completed its destiny.

The Five Solae of The Reformation

which are

The Solid Foundation Of Our Faith

  1  Sola Scriptura “Scripture alone”

The Bible alone is our highest authority.

2  Sola Fide “Faith alone”

We are saved through faith alone in Jesus Christ.

3  Sola Gratia “Grace alone”

We are saved by the grace of God alone.

4  Solus Christus “Christ alone”

Jesus Christ alone is our Lord, Savior, and King.

5  Soli Deo Gloria “To the glory of God alone”

We live for the glory of God alone.

We are a people who have forgotten our roots, and in many cases, we really don’t seem to care.

Numerous polls indicate widespread biblical and theological illiteracy.  Many professing Christians do not grasp the contents of Scripture. Even those who have read the Bible very often have no idea what it means and how the various parts go together.

We are not in a good place, but we are not the first to be in such a position. The people of Israel forgot the past with disastrous consequences. The medieval church forgot the past with disastrous consequences. But what do we do when we realize we’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere along our journey? We go back and seek to find the correct path. We should not view the past as something that is gone and therefore useless. We should look at the past more like the way someone on the second floor of a building looks at the foundation. The foundation was built before the remaining structure. It was built in the past. But the foundation is not something that can be discarded without catastrophic results.

“We all have spiritual historical roots as well as physical historical roots. God is not pleased when we belittle the orthodoxy of the past and the saints who went before us. Without them we wouldn’t have the faith we have today. We are building on the foundation of their faith with Jesus as the chief cornerstone. Do not tread upon those roots because in doing so we are blasting away our foundation.” 

An excerpt from my book “Developing A Secret History With God” Page 210

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